Voight's uneasing phone call.

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As the team continues the search for answers on the possible home invasion/kidnapping.
Hank is on the phone for a little over 15 minutes as he's informed of a possible suspect he and Al put aways 15yrs ago, has been released on the account of lack of evidence.
Hearing the news has put hank on edge, and he wonders how did this guy get out when he's the guy who put him away for life.
Hank puts his phone down, and looks to his unit working as they only know how.
And he makes eye contact with Hailey who's about 10 ft away.
Jay, gets on the radio and says Hailey, as he's gasping to catch his breath, the suspect is in the wind he got outta my Line of sight
Hank says, did you see any pods, or any general direction where he went,
Jay reply's no sarge he's in the wind.
Hailey responds, jay you need to get back here now!
Jay says you Ok!
Hank reply's let's cut the chatter we got a huge case to solve,
we don't need to let our personal lives get out on our radios, and besides their is no romance tolerated in my Unit!
Jay says to himself, somethings wrong with the boss
He hasn't said those words since Erin was still here.
Something is off, and I have to find out.
Before all hell breaks loose.........

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