Backing up Feds, puts jay in a rocky, and awkward position.

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As jay and hailey arrive on scene. hailey tells jay everything is gonna be alright, and they just need back up,
jay takes a deep breath alright lets move.

Jay: i am detective halestead, and my partner detective hailey upton, were intelligence, we know who you are your CPD,
hailey rolls her eyes.. and mumbles feds..

Hailey: fill us in?

fed: well we trying to accquire a suspect, and somehow erin decides to take it on her own, and now shes trapped on the second floor.
jay: then why the hell did you need us this is what CFD is. for they get people outta houses like this.
hailey grabs jays hand, calm down..
as jay is trying to keep cool?
the special agents radio goes off,
special agent lindsay, calling for immediate exit, i need a way off the second floor? anyone hear me !

hailey: do you need CFD? i can call?

Jay: hailey im gonna go in after her?
hailey: but?

jay : but what? gonna do my job and ill
be in and out.

hailey : babe be careful.. as she rubs her stomach.
jay: ill be right back..

hailey: 5021 henry, requesting truck 81, squad 3 and ambo
61 to my location.
dispatcher: copy that 5021 henry, we will notify.

hailey: copy that, jay there on there way dont do
anything stupid..

jay: copy that im going dark.

As jay enters the building, to attempt to get Erin out,
He senses somethings not right.
Hailey can you hear me, as tries to communicate by radio?

Hailey: go ahead jay? I can hear you loud and clear the hell is going on in there?

Jay: CPD, call out! If you can hear me Erin call out!
Hailey: jay are you ok, did you need help? Kim/Adam are here, 5021 George can you hear me?
5021 Ida, jay can you hear me we are at the back door.

copy that adam, jay responds! Erin can you hear me! Chicago PD , call out!

Hailey: jay the hell is going on? Did you find Erin.
Jay responds I've got her.. I repeat I've got Erin, she's unconscious but has a pulse.

Hailey what's my ETA on Brett/Dawson.

Hailey reply's they are two blocks away.
Copy that jay reply's .

Brett if you can hear me, I need you as quick as you can.

Brett: jay sit tight I'm on my way..

Hailey: rolls her eyes, and at a glance she sees jay carrying  Erin over his shoulders.

Jay: makes eye contact with Hailey,

Hailey: is happy he's ok, but at the same time
Notices he's bleeding..

where's my ambo, she yells!

Speak of the devil, there she is.

Brett, has a look of shock is that Erin? What the hell is she doing here? Didn't she leave yrs ago?
Hailey goes to hold on to jay as he's bleeding,
Gabby notices jays stitches have opened up.

Jay fix me up gabby, thank you.

Hailey goes to kiss jay. And says you did great.
Love you babe..

jay: thanks.. hope Erin's ok.

Hailey: you ready to get outta here. 

Jay as soon as gabby is done .

As jay finishes up treatment, Hailey just stares at jay.
Gabby: stitches re sealed and field dressing done. Your one tough SOB. She laughs, also did you want us to keep you informed on, Erin? The hell is she doing here anyway.
Jay replies, just let Trudy know back at our district.
Gabby rolls her eyes, okay.
Jay: Brett thanks for everything, I'll catch up with you later,
As jay gets off the ambo, he rushes over to Hailey
Babe let's get the hell outta here. I've had enough for one day..

Hailey: let's get outta here, as she's rubbing her stomach, with a smile.

Jay: so did you wanna grab a coffee or tea?

Hailey: how about we just go grab a huge pack of Oreos, and some cold milk.
Head home, she winks.

Jay: alright Oreos it is. He laughs, haven't  and them in a long time,
by the way babe are you the type who dips or dunks her Oreos?

Hailey rolls her eyes, your such a dork jay.. she laughs.
Now are you the kinda guy who eats the whole Oreo or he just licks the filling off and ditches the cookie?

Jay laughs I would never waste an Oreo .

Hailey just can not stop laughing..

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