Erin's Return, puts Hailey on edge..

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Haileys Synopsis:
I never would imagine after going through jay getting shot prior to our vacation, and now we've got to work with Erin again. Quite frankly I don't know how the hell this is gonna work, but I'll try to give it a shot....
J:Babe, is everything alright?

H:I'm gonna be okay. Baby

J: whats bothering you? Or is it Erin that's bothering you?

H:Seeing that Erin and I didn't leave on good terms I mean you got shot because of her, and I'm afraid she's gonna get you killed.

J:Baby listen to me, nothing is gonna happen to me, I promise I'm not gonna go anywhere. It's gonna be okay.
Love you hails, as I kiss her on her forehead.

H: I blush, I love you too jay. I just hope things work better this time..

J:after this is over you and I are gonna take sometime off, maybe take another state side vacation.
but as for tonight,

I'm thinking dinner tonight and a movie night at home , whatever you wanna cook.
Make a list and we will pick up all that we need at the store.

H: alrighty my love..

Hailey Synopsis: this next case has my concerns, my emotions, and my mind spinning all over the place since little miss Lindsay, is coming back to Chicago, I mean I'm going to try my very best to be productive/professional.
But if I even suspect anything that puts me or jay at risk or puts us in danger,
I'm gonna put Erin in her place.
I take deep breath.
Jay looks at me with a his iconic smile that always melts my heart, and I love it when he does that.
So babe, he asks we wrapped up paper work kinda early, did you wanna jump on groceries? when shift is over?
Sure I was thinking some kind of seafood pasta, as well as a couple of ribeyes.
This actually sounds good, he grins.
What about dessert?
Whatever you want babe, you surprise me. I giggle."

Hank synopsis:
Alright you guys and girls, good work today, I'm sending us all home tonight early, let's all get some sleep, sure as hell gonna need it big day tomorrow. So enjoy.
Also again, welcome back

I sarcastically laugh at jay.
Jay rolls his eyes..  see you tomorrow sarge.
Hailey just can't stop laughing..
see you tomorrow hank.

Jay&Hailey synopsis:

As we head outta the district, the sun starts to set, oh lovely a Chicago sunset, as we are going down the stairs i literally grab her ass.

Hailey giggles baby.. you bad boy, as she kisses him.
So Whole Foods market? Babe he asks.
Sure, or we can do restaurant dep0?

Alright, and we're off.....

1st stop whole-foods.
So we need shrimp, scallops, Gorgonzola cheese as well as all natural heavy cream as well as fresh fettuccine.
Maybe we can throw in some eggplant. As well.
Hmm she giggles.
He laughs babe, I've forgotten how huge of a place this is, by the way we may not have to go to restaurant depo.
I found our steaks.
Also did you know that pickled garlic had that many varieties.
Babe she giggles your such a dork? Can you please grab the eggplant, as well as the EVOO.
Got it.
By the way did you want any fresh bread or a slice of pizza?
It really smells good down that end of the store. Also dessert we can grab it here as well as beer and wine.
She laughs I'll meet you in the cheese section,
Still waiting on the shellfish..
1 or 2 eggplants?
2 babe.

Alright, see you in a few minutes

Haileys synopsis:
Meanwhile waiting on our seafood for tonight.
I get a text from Kim:
K:Hails, is that you I see buying seafood, laughing emoji.
H:HUH? Well we're cooking in tonight jay didn't feel like an outing for date night.
K: I see, Adam is the same he wants to cook and he sent me to get all this stuff.
H: I got you, well you won't have difficulty it's huge in here.
K: such a dork, hails but your right one stop shop.
I'll catch you later.
H: alright enjoy..

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