Going Dark, whatever it takes this is for you Jay.

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Hailey Synopsis:
I arrive to this really dark and abandoned location, thinking to myself is this a set up, or what am I getting myself  into.
All i know is I'm so close to getting jay and finding out who is or was behind all of this.

My phone rings:

Suspect: are you alone, do you have my money?

H: I'm alone, and I've got your money you son of a bitch?

Suspect: there is no need to be hostile that doesn't look good on a cop, shouldn't you be setting the example, i am sure your always setting an example, for this guy I've got who you want back so badly.

H: you son of a bitch if you harm him I'm gonna..

Suspect: Gonna what, just bring me my money.
It's getting close to the deadline I wouldn't be wasting time
Jay is counting on you..

H: You! The phone line goes dead... shit!
I radio Kim, did you hear all of that?
Kim replies yes Hailey, we are en route to you.
Copy that, tell the others I'm going in.
You be careful,
Copy that.
5021 Henry: be advised plain clothes officer on location, advise intelligence i am going dark, roll ambo 61 to my location,. No lights no sirens.
copy that 5021 Henry will notify

I take a deep breath, grab my gun and the money
Time to go to work..
jay hang in there I'm coming to get you...

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