The Morning after, something beautiful happens!

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As my clock goes off i head into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and as I'm looking in the mirror at this baby bump. Which I totally am grateful to have done this with jay, I mean it's gonna be a total blessing? And yes baby Halstead can't come any faster, I miss my wine, and my drinks.
And most of all I can't wait to get back into my old body again i miss my abs. I giggle.
But anyways as I warm up the shower.
Alexa play some 80's
Playing 80s.
As I hop in the shower journey plays.
I laugh don't stop believing never gets old.
As the steam fills up the room.
I hear jay, good morning babe, breakfast? Coffee.
Whatever you want i can eat.
Burritos it is.
Sounds good babe close the door will you
Sure babe, no problem.
As I'm wrapping up one of the best showers ever, I can literally smell the that aroma of bacon traveling up the vents making me super hungry.
Now for the wardrobe, black shirt, tactical pants? Or shirt and sweats?
I laugh, baby bump problems..
babe! Jay calls breakfast!
I'm just about ready, be there shortly smells so good..
Alexa, on que, play love story by Swift, as she heads down the stairs.
He laughs..
5 minutes later..
As I'm headed down the stairs to breakfast, really Taylor swift? Really? Your such a dork babe..
Heading into the kitchen, I've got jay making our burritos look so pretty
I mean? It's only a burrito?
He laughs, but it's gotta look sexy, just like you.
I love you .. I reply
Love you too, now let's devour this killer chi-mex breakfast?
I laugh? Chi-mex? You mean tex mex? No he laughs since we're in Chicago, I've declared it Chi-Mex.
Whatever babe, I giggle but this is so good?
He winks, I mean can't get any simpler.
But anyways? Can't believe we both have to work today.
He's like I know, but it's our lively hoods, and we have a baby on the way you know.
I blush yeah, have to say I miss my abs.
He crunches on a tortilla chip, I also miss your abs, but your so cute with a baby bump though..
I blush.. really
Yes, especially when you are always wearing my stuff.
God I love you..
we both laugh and continue to eat...
As we both head to the district, here I'm thinking to myself this job, my work family and how much I love jay, I mean can't say much especially since he's the father, I giggle
We get to 21 about 20 minutes late due to traffic accident.
As we arrive, we are approached by voight.
Here we go?
Hank: good morning you two? I swear traffic sucks today.
We both laugh and agree.
See you two upstairs. Hank laughs by the way Hailey you look cute today.
I meant to say that baby bump looks good on you.
Thanks sarge Hailey blushes.
Alright I need you and jay to keep an eye on someone.
Copy that.
Also do me a favor grab the team some 🍩 Will you while your out?
Hailey jay asks you ready.
Sure babe let me grab my g-uu-n from my drawer
damn it.
Kim: hails you okay?
Hailey replies: sure I think we might need an ambo
Kim: you ok? I'll call it in.
This is 5021 emergency need an ambo and paramedics
Copy that will notify..
5021 George: you got your ears in!
Sure go Kim.
Um jay you might have to meet hails at med.
What what's wrong,
Nothing, major I think Haileys water just broke.
Copy that..
Hailey laughs while trying to pace her breathing.
Kim: deep breath in and out..
hank: what the hell is going on?
Kim: sarge Haileys water just broke.
Hank: keep her as calm as you can.
Brett: Hailey? You alright? We see your breathing heavy?
Hank: her water just broke, get her to med asap!
I'll call jay!
He already knows...
Copy that.
Brett radios jay.
Brett:Jay you got your ears on, I'm in route with Hailey to med.
Jay: how is she?
Brett: she's stable, as your aware her water broke on the way out
jay: copy that I'll be at med as soon as I can. Keep me informed if anything changes tell Hails I love her and I'll be there as soon as I can.
Copy that jay.. copy that.
Mean while Hailey is keeping pace while breathing.
Brett: Ambo61 to main
Dispatch: go ahead.
Activate an officer detail request dr manning
Dispatch: will notify med
Natalie will be on stand by for your arrivial
ETA 5minutes.
Damn It what a morning Hailey giggles.

Upon arrival to Med,
Where's my finance Hailey asks Brett,
Umm he's should be right behind us?
Speak of the devil!
Jay: babe? I'm here you good? As he lands a kiss on Hailey,
Yea babe I'm good, water broke? Getting closer to baby Halstead
All he can do kiss me, and here I am antsy to meet our kid.
As Natalie arrives running down to see Hailey, so are we ready for this
Jay laughs I was born ready, I'm honestly blessed
Hailey grabs jays hand, i love you babe.
He whispers I love you too and I'm happy.

As we both can forget being detectives the next few hours and here I am thinking to myself am I gonna be a great dad,  oh why the hell am I second guessing myself, this is the happiest moment of my life.. .
As Hailey gets prepared to do her thing and get ready to deliver a new kid into the world. I can just in-vision how tired she's going to be after all this.
But god she looks so beautiful, and I love her so damned much.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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