Hailey & Jay have a bit of a loving Talk.

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After 24 hours at Med. Hailey was so ecstatic to finally be able to get some proper sleep at home.
But at the same time having a lot on her mind.

Jay: Babe, so what's troubling you? You've been acting strange lately?

Hailey: How so? She asks

Jay: Since the day after your kidnapping/rescue you've been not yourself? And you've been eating a ton of half sour pickles he laughs.

Hailey: Babe, I think you and I need to have a talk.

Jay: Let me grab some Electrolytes, and some salsa and chips.
Oh as he's crunching on a tortilla chip, babe he asks, did you want some, salsa is totally awesome..

Hailey: oh what the hell, sure and grab a ginger ale while your at it, babe don't talk with your mouth full.
She laughs..

Jay: rolls his eyes. Ok

As Hailey is sitting comfortably on her couch, shes thinking of a way to discuss her situation.

As jay attempts to sit down with a pile of chips and salsa, Hailey pops open the ginger ale and gulps it down. As jay rolls his eyes thinking glad he grabbed two..

jay: so what's on your mind? did I upset or am i in trouble he wonders?

Hailey: I'm not mad or upset babe, as she kisses jay.
but anyway the last 3 months I have been holding back on something, that I've been meaning to tell you, but work seemed to be the big interruption and the whole me going missing. Had a huge effect on you.
Jay: so what is it your trying to tell me?

Hailey: babe, i am pregnant.

Jay: No way? He smiles and goes silent, as in? Ours?

Hailey: yes ours? And i was afraid you would think different of me? I didn't want you to feel obligated to worry. Or most of all be angry.

Jay: why would I be angry, this is a blessing, you should of told me sooner, does the team know?
I mean we should tell everyone?

Hailey: maybe at the right time we will. I love you,

Jay, and proceeds to munch on chips.

Jay: ok now that's over with, as he goes to kiss
Hailey on the forehead.
So hockey game, or did you wanna watch a chick flick? He laughs.

Hailey: babe you really wanna do a chick flick? She rolls her eyes and laughs.

Jay: what? It doesn't matter i could easily just stare at you all night since your really beautiful.

Hailey, just blushes, and hugs jay.

Jay continues to munch on chips, mean while looking at the blackhawks score, while hailey trys to find a good movie to watch,
so its between a star wars movie, or just a classic romantic movie?

Jay laughs and tries to tickle hailey,

hailey, laughs replies dont you dare..

jay rolls his eyes, so star wars it is.. he laughs

hailey replies, may the force be with you..

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