Halstead rescues Haliey.

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Hank: Alright, we have a few houses and building to check out in this area, and hailey and her assailant could be in  one of them. you see something or sense suspious activity you stand down and call one of us.
(Units in the area: Sargent you can count on us..)

Hailey : You do understand, whoever the hell you are as she spits blood out of her mouth,  you are not gonna get away with this and your gonna have a few cops waiting for you.

Haileys Abductor: Oh please, ill be happy to surrender, ill be happy to negociate, he says sarcastically.

Hailey: So tell me something why did you attack and kidnap me, tell me so i can help you?, as she coughs and spits more blood out.

Haileys Abductor: i know what your doing playing cop tricks your trying to get me to confess, like what you did to my brother 11 yrs ago, you lied to him, you played him, and now here we are, i just wanted to make a statement about holding a detective accountable. no matter the cost.
now no more talking, and if i even smell or sense police...

Hailey: I am truly sorry about your brother, i was just doing my job, and at the sametime he attacked my partner, and this is not payback, this is insanity. look ill do whatever i can to give you closure, all you have to do is release me.

haileys abductor: release you? he smiles sarcastically
shut up. these strobes are killing me, the hells going on.

Hailey: Strobes, in her mind thats CFD marking a building.
and she faintly hears a familar voice.

Dispatch, notify Intelligence, suspicous activity here at this location. this is squad 3
will notify, squad 3.

in haileys mind shes close to getting found...

Jay: 5021 george responding, to squad 3, dispatch notify intelligence im on scene, and assuming command, im 1099 plain clothes officer on scenc.
dispatch: copy that 5021 george will notify.

Severide: Jay, good to see you brother, also what do you need, we as well 81 and ive got brett and dawson standing by.

jay: thanks, you guys stand by. and wait for my team.
dispatch 5021 george, im going dark, notify any units im
on premise.

dispatch: 5021 george will notify.

Brett: kelly, is this guy crazy?
severide: brett hes gonna be fine.

dawson: hes gonna get himself killed.

severide: guys cut it out, i would of done the same thing if you guys went missing .

chief boden: all this for upton? he shrugs his shoulders, and all units turn all lights down, we dont wanna spook them

kelly: u got it chief. now where the hell is intelligence, they
should of been here by now,

Voight: notify sqaud 3 we are coming in silent. and no lights

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