Hailey and Natalie talk while jays in surgery

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Hailey:Nat if you were in my postion right now? what would you be doing?

Natalie: i am not a cop, but if i were in your shoes id be doing the samething.

Hailey: this job can be hard at times, especially when someone you love gets shot.

Natalie hugs hailey, its not your fault, so stop blaming yourself. hes gonna be ok.. im gonna go check on will.
ill update you as soon as i know something. in the mean time there are some fresh clothes and half sour pickles in my office, so help yourself, also disney+ is at your disposal, may i recommend, "James and the giant peach.." she laughs.

hailey rolls her eyes..

3 hours have gone by, and hailey just about finished the pickles, damn it nats gonna kill me she laughs.
Nat knocks on the door, Hails? you ok, update on jay.
how is he?

hes out of surgery, and resting now.. if you wanna go see him hes down the hall 4 doors down..
you need me, holler..

as hailey walks into jays room she knows hes asleep so she kisses his forehead and tells him she loves him..
babe jay whispers, im not dead, im wounded
what in the hell happend?

hailey : babe you got shot..

jay: oh shit really?

hailey: your lucky to be  alive she laughs, i love you, and she kisses jay..

will: sorry to interupt, but hailey can we talk.
sure will hailey replies.
bad news jay is in for 48hrs.
good news, no significant damage...

hailey: thank god as she rubs her stomach, no im not hungry, this kid is kicking she laughs..

will laughs, gotcha, by the way you smell like a bottle of ACV, aka
apple cider vinegar? hailey laughs!
let me guess Nats pickles...
howd you know.

well what do pregnant women crave.. he laughs.
im laying up in bed, with a gsw, and all you can talk about is pickles. Jay gingerly laughs.

shut up you, hailey laughs.

So Hailey did you and jay need anything? Food,
Water? Clothes? Company? If the company
Is work related, not at all

Just wanna be a lone with jay. And keep that security
Guard away from the door and shut the curtain Will ya..
women Will rolls his eyes and shuts the door..
Jay: so how long was I out he coughs.

Hailey:3hrs felt like forever, and I was scared you were gonna die or be paralyzed.

Jay: gee thanks, can you imagine 5021 George in a wheelchair....

Hailey just kisses jay, and puts his hand on her stomach..
that's our baby..

jay just goes quiet, and continues to stare at Hailey.

Babe, by the way did you bring my vest, I wanna see where I got hit.

Hailey rolls her eyes, baby let's focus on baby Halstead, and getting you healthy again.
Speaking of healthy, Natalie knocks on the door.
Jay, just wanted to check on your back injury, let me know if this hurts or feels uncomfortable.
Babe do you want me to hold your hand. Hailey laughs.

Jay coughs Natalie you need to get me the heck outta
Here .. he begs.

Nice try jay, but not an option..

Hailey can't stop laughing,

Alright jay your healing up well, don't tell Will,
But I'm gonna get you both outta here soon.

Jay: Nat i owe you one..
Natalie hugs Jay....

Hailey: love you jay...

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