Back to work. Together..

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As usual, our alarm clocks go off, but it's a first we both wake up at the same-time.
Good morning beautiful, whispers in my ear, as he lands a kiss on her forehead.
Good morning, my love.
You were so amazingly warm last night and I don't wanna get outta bed yet
I would love to stay like this.
He laughs, me too but duty calls,
We both laugh at each other as we get outta bed we look at all our clothes on the floor.
Sheesh, I guess we did it again..
I'm gonna get the shower going he asks, babe did you wanna ❤️.
Sure, I'm all for it..
toothbrush for you, mr morning breath .
He laughs.. as he smacks my ass..
Mmmmmm..., I giggle.. somethings never get old.

As the shower is running,
so did you want coffee or tea Togo this morning, kiddo,
jay sarcastically asks her.
Kiddo? Really Chuckles?
Don't start with the whole chuckles thing, that's Trudy's job.
But? Chuckles? She laughs.
It's gonna be one of those days..
I guess coffee it is.. I sigh.
She kisses me on my back. Love you!
Love you too babe.
If you need me I'll be down stairs.
Babe, can you grab my towel for me she asks..
No problem..
also shut the door, don't let the steam out.
Anything else?
And I want a bagel for breakfast.
Sheesh? Last call?
No kiss she laughs..
I kiss her on the shoulder, and grab her butt..
she giggles okay okay..
As Hailey gets ready, which she takes a little longer than me. I decided to make her coffee, prep her bagel. And attempt to polish her badge, since hers is a little dirty and it's bugging me..
about ten minutes later I hear her foot steps, putting rounds into her gun, and wait for it.. I laugh.
Babe, have you seen where I misplaced my badge, I can't find it..
here you go kiddo... I toss it to her.
Damn, where the hell did you learn to polish a badge?
I laugh. Was just trying to help kiddo..
babe she laughs, what's with you calling me kiddo?
I don't know.. he rolls his eyes.
Well are you all set?
Sure babe, remind me to grab some coffee creamer tonight after work..
he laughs alright..
we're off to work.. hopefully it'll be a fun one..
with Voight, who knows
We both laugh..

Jays synopsis:First Hailey, now I'm being greeted by my desk Sargent

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Jays synopsis:
First Hailey, now I'm being greeted by my desk Sargent.
T:Morning Chuckles?
J: it's more like Det.Chuckles, it's gonna be one of those days.
H: Poor Chuckles..
J : kiddo your lucky I love you..
H: and I love you too..
J: ladies first as I open the door..
H: don't mind if I do, detective chuckles.:
J: really .
Kim, Adam, and. Kevin all hug Hailey, good morning you?
As for jay, Every one greets him Good morning Chuckles.
Hank comes out of his office, well hello chuckles..
I shake my head.. this is gonna be the death of me.
Hailey laughs awww poor chuckles..

Hailey laughs awww poor chuckles

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It's gonna be one of those days.. ——-:

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