Erin being in chicago has put jay in an awkward spot.

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As the rest of the team arrive on scene, hank briefs his team, tells every one we need to work quickly as possible to give the people ansewers and closure, and dont let the federal agents intimedate you, this is chicago, lets move out.

Hank: so we have the feds here, so whos in charge here, he asks? we dont work or ansewer to you cpd. the feds sarcastically answer
he replies well this is my town my city,

as he slams the door on there command center
rolls his eyes bunch of clowns.

as hank goes to the other side of the tape to talk with the team, a familiar voice calls hank by his name,
And he realizes its Erin, and is completely stunned,

its been 6 yrs erin i havent heard from you alot has changed in my unit.. its good to see you to hank erin replies, where is jay?
hes busy working the case, ill let him know you asked about him.
as erin rolls her eyes..

as jay radios for hailey, erin overhears their conversation,

5021 George: 5021 Henry, whats your 20?

5021 Henry, im 1 block over, im on my way back. see you shortly. oh and have burgess be ready to run a few prints for me.
copy that 5021 henry.

Erin is in utter shock, to hear jays voice after a long time, she still misses him, but at the same time she hopes hes happy with hailey.

As jay awaits haileys return, erin crosses the police line and greets jay with a hug, and just says its good to see you agian its been a longtime.

as jay just says its good to see you too erin its been awhile.
maybe we can catch up when this is over .
erin replys id like that. ill see you soon,

as jay walks away erin sees him wrap his arm around hailey..
as she walks away, hank sees how sad erin is. from a distance.

as jay is walking with hailey, he says to himself, what the hell is erin doing here in chicago, quite frankly this is just very awkward, my ex partner, just had to show up here. like what the hell.

hailey procceds to hug jay and says shes working a case, so calm down, just focus on you and me, were gonna be fine, i love you jay, oh did you want to grab a bite since we got a break in this case.

jay holds hailey, sure i could eat, just pick something good he laughs.

hailey rolls her eyes and gives jay a kiss.

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