The past, the present, and alot of Maybe's?

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Jay arrives at the district early before everyone,digging into the early yrs of hank and al's arrest history, guys they put away, as well as kicked for lack of evidence or case.
As he's digging and still can't find a single connection, he wonders who the hell the guy hank is so concerned about, as jay just scratches his head and drinks his coffee, awaiting to Hailey walk in, just so he can see her smile, but as she walks in she realizes jay is quite distracted and she wonders why at the back of her own personal issues of a past partner she used to work with, and her emotions are high!
Jay right off the bat says Hailey what's the deal with the mystery detective?
Hailey just changes the topic and says why were you digging in CPD archives? Hmmm? Wanna talk about it? Erin? To be exact!
Jay replies sarcastically and says
Erin was good police, she had her reasons to get outta intelligence,
I'm more concerned about hank!
Hailey stares at jay and says just leave it alone it's all hanks past he's got too much going on everyone is watching him!
So let's leave it alone and focus on our case!
Jay smiles at Hailey, gives her a stare and a hug and says, when we finish today? Pizza night?
Hailey laughs, and reply's your buying!

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