Jay is Missing, God i have to find him..

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Hailey Synopsis:
God, here i am thinking to myself, what if they already killed jay, or hes severly injured.
is someone really trying to get to me through people i know and love...
who is it, and why?
as im sitting in jays chair..
with the look of worry on my face. staring at jays favorite photo of them together.
i whisper to myself  while looking at jays picture.
ill do whatever it takes to find you, I promise.
you've saved my life countless times, now it's my turn to return the favor I will not let you down..

As Adam comes up the stairs, he notices Hailey just sitting at jays desk with her head down.
Hails, are you ok? Adam asks?
Umm, I'm good Ruze, what's going on? Any leads on jay.
Adam replies, nothing solid yet the team is looking at camera footage, from the moment of your abduction/escape and what or who comes up to jay.
Hailey you got your ears on? Kim two ways.
H: Kim what the hell is going on?
K: meet me outside, let's get some fresh air.
And we need to talk.
H: sure, Adam you good? Gonna step away for a bit.
A: Sure go, also while your out grab me some hot tea will ya this gonna be a long night..
H: Your such a dork,
Adam hugs Hailey, you two stay outta trouble.
Hailey laughs.. if you see or hear anything call
copy that Adam laughs.

Kim Synopsis:
As I'm waiting for Hailey, I'm trying to come up with a reasonable reason to explain why and who took jay.
I really don't wanna tell her, but I don't wanna have her find out as this goes on deeper and deeper.
But when in Rome maybe I can just distract her to ease her spirits........

Hailey Synopsis:
Quite frankly my mind is going about 120 miles an hour, I'm all over the place, basically nothing but Jay, or finding jay has been on my mind and I'm not gonna sleep until I bring him back home to me, and who ever has taken him it'll be my pleasure to put them behind bars......

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