Closing in on jay. Finally got him

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As I'm clearing this building, room by room,.
Calling for jay, i begin to worry that I may never find him, thinking to myself.
Come on jay give me a sign..

Jay's POV:
God damn it, what the hell do these people want from me.
I gotta keep fighting, most of all stay alive for as long as I can
Then all of a sudden I hear Haileys voice and footsteps echoing.
Jay call out if you can hear me, jay! Babe Hailey mumbles.
Alright might as well take a chance, Hailey is that you?
Hailey as I start to make noise.
Yes it's me Hailey jay where the hell are you.
Door at the end of the hall!
Hailey radios: Adam I think i found him! I'm going in.
Adam: be careful and stay sharp on the floor above you.

As I take a deep breath. And prepare to breach
I find him on the floor covered in blood, and he's a little busted up.
Jay i am here,
Jay replies, Hailey? Is that you!
Yea it's me your safe now, I got you.
Adam I radio, I got him i am coming out!
5021 Henry, I got him. Paramedics standby.

Kim radios: Hailey that exit, there are two shooters. I can't get a shot!

Shit, jay taps Hailey babe you have a gun.
She's rolls her eyes on my hip. It's loaded
Jay grabs it, I'll cover you.
Alright let's do this..
Jay notices,
Alright Hailey i am gonna go low, take the shooter on my left ,
Hailey draw them out, and I'll do the rest.
Copy that.
As jay takes the first shot,
Suspect down, now for the second one
Hailey replies, I got this, suspect two down.
5021 Henry, we're coming out,
Kim: copy that Hailey.
Adam: I'm on my way out.
As I'm heading out the door with jay, I notice I'm also bleeding..
Paramedics POV:
Brett: Jesus, that's jay?
Gabby:holy hell, alright let's get him in the Ambo, 3,2,1
Hailey replies, you got him, as she's holding her side,
Brett notices that Hailey is bleeding, You alright Hailey,
She asks.
I'm fine let's get moving and get jay to M....e..d
Gabby replies Hailey let me take a look at that wound, your bleeding pretty bad.
No, I'm fine Hailey stubbornly replies.
Umm. Silvie, can you take a look,
Sure Hailey, hold still.
Damn, this shit hurts Hailey closes her eyes.
Brett replies, hailey can you hear me, hailey.
Umm, im gonna call this in.
Ambo 61 to med, I need all available.
2 officers in route, i repeat activate an officer down detail now!
Copy that Ambo 61 will notify.

Hold on Hailey, just hold on...
Jay looks over gabby, Hailey is she okay?
Brett looks at jay, we will know as soon we get to med, meanwhile holding on to Haileys wound. Jay she's gonna be ok. I promise...

Brett's POV..
As we arrive to med, here I'm holding on to a wounded Hailey, while gabby's keeping jay under control.
As the hospital doors open first to assist is jays brother.
Will: Talk to me!
Brett: jay has some minor internal bleeding, and a few bruises,
As for Hailey, she's been in and out as well as bleeding,
She saved your brothers life.
Alright I'll get on to jay, and take care of him!
What about Hailey.
As she sees Natalie running to assist.
Silv, what the hell happen to her,
All I know is she was responsible for jays rescue, she carried jay and we noticed she was bleeding.
And i went to check on her and she passed out on the way here.
Alright, I'll have to go run some test on her, first I gotta get this vest off her, and we will go from there..
copy that,
Nat do you have a place where I can
You know get all of haileys blood off of me and get fresh clothes.
Sure my office I've got a shower as well clothes.
At your disposal silv.
I'll keep you updated on her as well as jay if anything happens or changes..
copy that...

Jays POV:
Here I am being evaluated for my injuries that I sustained and my brother keeps talking to me about what had happen and I couldn't respond or even organize my thoughts,
All I could think about, is Hailey going to be ok?
After all she's been through to find me, and here I am wondering what the hell is going on.
Will informs me that Hailey, is being evaluated  for a minor internal injury, and she has also lost a little blood.
I reply when can I see her, for Christ sake Will she's my fiancé!
Bro calm down, Natalie's bringing her down as we speak.
Alright... now what about me, when can I go home?
As soon as Hailey is clear, you both are free to go.
Thank god I sigh..

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