Uneasy phone call, following a lead, and Jay is missing..

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Hailey Synopsis:
I'm awake before my alarm clock, and I'm feeling a little bit apprehensive about going to work, what if I get another uncomfortable phone call, what the hell am I gonna do.
As I see jay sleeping like a baby ..
I'm just gonna take a shower, get ready for work...
head to the district earlier than usual....
As I'm finishing up a brilliant shower getting dressed,
Getting my coffee as well as my breakfast,
Prepping jays breakfast..
Grabbing my gun,badge and radio.
I leave a note for jay on the way out..

Couldn't sleep anymore, so I decided to head to the district early, didn't wanna wake you enjoy your sleep, there's a bagel in the toaster oven..
I'll see you at work.
Love you

As I arrive to the district, i walk-in way too early thinking nobody's here,
Boy was I wrong, I see Kim sleeping in the break room.
What time is it Kim asks, it's almost 5 am,
Jesus Kim laughs  and yawns, hails your never this early?
I couldn't sleep  anymore..  so I did the next best and came here.
Kim giggles, good morning to me,
Hailey can you make some coffee for me? Please Kim asks nicely.
Sure, Hailey replies.

About ten minutes later, Hank arrives,
Hailey? Hank asks while your there coffee and shot of expresso please, also the hell are you here so early for?
I laugh, I couldn't sleep. So I came in early.
Cream and sugar sarge?
Hmmm he wonders? Two sugars please..
Coming right up..
thanks Hailey.
As he shuts his office door..
30 minutes later Jay arrives, with half a bagel in his mouth, and coffee in one hand, and radio in the other.
Good morning he greets Kim, with his mouth full.
Hailey laughs, and nudges jay, babe.
What did I say about a mouth full..
He laughs, my bad but anyways, is Ruze here yet.
Kim replies he's in the locker room, sleeping ..
what's with everyone sleeping at work..
Hailey laughs, it's called exhaustion... 
Haileys phone rings:
C:Why hello again detective,
H:What the hell do you want?
C: do you remember, when you sent my brother to jail?
Haileys heart starts racing.. umm i locked him up doing my job, don't you dare play games with me..
H: nudges Kim, get a ping on this guy.
K: i am already on it.
C:Listen to me very carefully, you are gonna come and meet me face to face, down by the marina, you come alone!
And even if or I sense any of your fellow cops.
H: why me!
C: 3pm.. come alone. ....
I can't breathe, jay!  Hailey replies as she's squeezing Kim.
Jay! Kim yells for..
hank: the hell is going on? Who was that ? Why Hailey and what do they want with her alone?
Jay: no clue sarge, but how are we gonna do this?
I'll figure it out..
Hailey my office now!!! Hank orders..
Hank: Close the door.
H: you told me that this guy wasn't ever gonna find or ever get to me again.
Hank: listen Hailey, we will get him, and lock him up again.
I promise,
H: but sarge he wants me to come face to face with this guy?
How are you guys gonna cover me?
Jay knocks on the door, sorry to interrupt.
Hails it's gonna be alright I'll be keeping an eye on you
Don't worry they will not catch or see me..
H: alright it's your call.
Hank: then let's do it, jay tell everyone to gear up.
No name plates, no badges.
Incognito mode guys.

j: copy that Sarge

Jay: alright here's our situation, we all have to keep eyes on Hailey as sharp and as discreet as we can, I can't have anyone risking her life or our lives for that matter, you sense something outta place or abnormal you walk , or you radio me.

Copy that jay..

as Hailey stares at jay with a fearful eye.

And all jay can do is stare back with an uneasy i love you stare..

as hank heads down the stairs, you guys ready
We're good to go!

Hailey go do your thing. But be careful, if you also sense anything out of place or wrong,
You walk,

Don't worry we will be right behind you.
Alright let's move...

Everyone stay sharp... remember it's just another day in the office..

I'm getting this uneasy feeling somethings not right, but at the same time I really get this over-with.
Hank:Comm check.
Kim:Im all ears
Adam:I've got eyes on you hails! Sarge all good!
Jay:All good let's do this
Hailey: keep eyes on me if things go south.
Copy that..
As it's coming close to the 3pm deadline.. Im by the water nervously awaiting.
Suspect: Detective Upton, your right on time.
Hailey: the hell do you want from me?
Suspect: I'll get to that.. are you wired?
Hailey:Hell no don't even touch me.
Suspect: good now listen I want a clean route out of
Chicago after I steal money from a stash house, not cop interference, not even you,
Hailey: so did you want a damn pineapple with that?
Jay radios Hailey, I've got eyes on you from the east ..
Hank: jay is she compromised?
Jay: I don't know...
Hank : alright stay focused, Hailey If you wanna pull out we can take him down! Nod if want us to move.
Suspect: grabs Hailey.
Hailey: Son of a bitch, let me go.
Suspect: don't you dare run as I've got a gun on you.
Hailey:Kim go get me a margarita she whispers
Kim: jay, she's in danger? I'm gonna make a move,
Hank: Burgess Stand down,
But.... Kim sighs.

Jay; I'm going in I'm getting her outta there...
Hank radios jay, be careful something isn't right..

2nd suspect: officer as she knocks on his window.

Jay: what do you want?

2nd Suspect: nothing then pulls a taser on jay and tases him. And drags him out of his truck...
Kim radios Jay....
K:Jay are you alright? Jay?
K: Jay?
something isnt right here, sarge got your
ears on?
Hank: Go Kim!
K: umm trying to get jays 20? but no response?
and i surely dont think he went dark..
Hank: alright go check his truck.
K: copy that..
Hailey decides to fight off the guy holding her hostage disarms him and runs
we will be in touch asshole.

Meanwhile kim heads towards jays truck and finds his radio on the dash,
and blood all over the window.. shit this is not good.
kim radios out: 5021 eddie: we have a possible kidnapping...
(Hailey isnt gonna be happy about this at all)
anyone see the offender? or anything?

Adam: nada, but we will need to notify and tell hails?
shes gonna be so pissed...

As Hailey tries to get back to the team as fast as possible,
Kim sees Hailey running.
Kim hollers at Hailey, Hails get in.
Hailey replies, better late than never, the hell is going on?
Kim: umm we needed to get you outta there..
Hank: Hailey he says over the radio, you okay?
Hailey: I'm all good, fill me in? What's going on?
Kim: listen hails, we had a bit of a situation, while we were trying to pull you.
We.. umm?
Hailey: stop, what's going on, why is there people around jays truck? Why is there, blood all over his window.
Kim: Hailey calm down.. breathe.
Hailey: let me out!!
What the hell is going on? Someone speak..
Adam replies, umm.
Where the hell is Jay?
Kim replies, someone took him..
we didn't see it, it happen right under our noses..
Jaaaaay! Hailey screams!
Kim starts to tear up, Hailey it's not your fault,
We're gonna get him back.. as Kim clutches Hailey into a hug..

Damn it, Hailey whispers,
Damn it.....

Hank Synopsis:
All of  you get back to the district, he radios.
ill have someone tow jays truck back..
Copy that they all respond.
Hailey, dont worry were gonna find jay..
Haileys Synopsis:
just what i wanted to happen, now hes missing,
and god knows whats happening. or what they are doing to him.......
just hope and pray we get him back in on piece..

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