back to work, feels good.

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Hailey's POV:
As my alarm goes off, I notice that jay is already up and awake, and obviously he's cooking breakfast as usual.
I'm heading down the stairs with an empty pizza box,
in a T-shirt and jays army sweats.
Good morning Love, smells good this morning.
He yawns, babe I made your favorite this morning, I don't know how i managed chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon with a swollen eye.
But someone looks beautiful this morning, my ranger sweats look good on you.
Oh babe I'm a total mess this morning, not to mention pregnant problems.
He smiles well your doing great love, and I love you.
Love you too I reply.
So babe I was thinking about returning to work today, as much as I love being home with you watching old movies and cooking , I'm just ready to dawn my badge and be badass Hailey again.
But Honey your pregnant? Shouldn't you take it easy? I mean you don't wanna harm the baby?
I roll my eyes? Babe, I'm highly capable of doing my job, I mean I saved your ass didn't I?
He laughs you got a point. Not to mention you got shot in the process of rescuing me.
Babe, I was lucky to have had my body Armor on, and it saved my life, yeah I lost some blood but that's all and this bruising on my chest.
But that's done it's over with, we're here eating together and Alive and well!
So yeah lets enjoy these pancakes and each other before we end up working a long night.
I'm considering doing some extra hours after shift.
She rolls her eyes? Extra? You mean overtime.
He laughs sure I mean we have a baby on the way?
We could use the extra funds?
For the Baby room, etc.
Well let's see what hank thinks? I mean he's always got our best interest in mind right?.
Ugh, I really don't wanna ask him for a favor or reassignment,
We both roll our eyes at each other.
Breakfast was literally delish, and was totally deleted, as I'm brushing my teeth, babe?
I'm gonna be a few minutes taking shower, he laughs maybe we can share the hot water together?
You haven't done that awhile, share a shower?
He laughs I kinda don't wanna be late for work so yeah
As I kiss and grab her butt.
Babe she giggles, more ass grabs? 
We've got 10 minutes?
She giggles. How bout we pick this up later?
Don't wanna be late.
Alright little lady I'll hold you to that.
She laughs, babe can you hand me the shampoo.
Since your closest.
And all I can do is laugh.
So anyway I took the liberty and polished your badge Hails? Thanks, less for me to worry about.
Time to head to the district,
Coffee and chocolate in hand let's go.
It's gonna be another snowy day,
What else is new ..
Upon arrival after about 25 minutes of traffic, lord have mercy it's too damn cold, why Chicago why?
He laughs.
Babe she's winks, I'll see you upstairs...
As I'm headed upstairs I notice the team all huddled up in the break room, over coffee, and cinnamon rolls.
As I reach for a cinnamon roll, everyone goes quiet for a moment.
Hailey? Is that you Kim laughs while munching,
Yeah it's me Kim I'm back.
We missed you Kim hugs Hailey.
And before I can say anything
I hear hank, Hailey my office!
Oh boy? I roll my eyes..
Voight's POV:
Here I am thinking to myself, glad to see Upton is back, as well as jay.
So I'm just gonna welcome them back.
Hailey: Sarge you wanted to see me?
Voight:take a seat and close my door.
Hailey: something wrong?
Voight: not at all, i just wanted to welcome you back, I missed your face. Also aren't you pregnant, I mean.
Hailey: I've missed you guys as well, and I'm very much pregnant, but I can still do my job?
Voight: glad to have you back, just be extra careful with all your moves, i mean we don't want you to lose your kid.
Hailey: I'll keep it in mind.
Voight: well help your self to coffee and those buns.
Hailey: thanks sarge.
Your dismissed missy, shut my door on your way out.
Welcome back Hailey.
Thanks, sarge. Now where was I, that cinnamon roll!
As I'm eating for 2 now.
Kim just admires how cute Hailey looks knowing she's pregnant.
Adam smiles, hails? I know your eating for 2 now, and my Snacks are at your disposal if needed during shift.
I laugh thanks Ruze, just make sure nothing is too hot or salty.
Jay rolls his eyes, babe your so cute..
hank comes outta his office,
Alright you guys we caught a case, it's pretty serious, we've got some kinda drug out on my streets being sold killing kids,
And I wanna catch this SOB before anymore innocent kids die.
Hailey, I'm gonna have you and jay canvas the block for any suspicious activity.
You got it sarge,
jay let's go..
Y'all be safe.
Copy that..
As we head out of  district, walking past Trudy's desk as quickly as we can.
Trudy: Good to see your in one piece Chuckles..
Jay: Glad to be back, and I missed you to, by the way
It's Detective Chuckles, I laugh.
Trudy : Whatever, by the way tell the  blondie she  looks beautiful.
Jay: I will.
Hailey: babe you got your ears on?
Jay: yes I'm on my way, got side tracked by the desk Sargent.
Hailey: laughs, let's get outta here. Truck is running as we speak.
Jay: Im on my way..
Jays POV:
As always it's friggin snowing, I mean can we catch a case without snow. Jesus.
Heading to my truck thank god I've got heated seats and a heated steering wheel, but most of all I've got this very beautiful blondie sitting shot gun..
Ugh I swear Trudy and her chuckles greeting..
Hailey laughs poor baby, but love when we're done with this detail, can we stop for coffee?
Sure.. I can't argue with that.  I reply,
Oh the weather outside is frightful and the fire is delightful and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow..
Babe your such a friggin dork. Hailey laughs..
such a dork.
Haileys POV:
Since we're past thanksgiving and trying to get into the Christmas spirit early, especially me being 100% pregnant
And since we're jamming to such cheesy Christmas music

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you ....

Really babe? Jay laughs, you just had to go there?
Of all the Christmas hits?

Really babe? Jay laughs, you just had to go there?Of all the Christmas hits?

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Mariah Carey?
Can't help it, she laughs..
Okay we're coming up on the street now? Game faces on,
Do we know what we're looking for jay? I ask?
Suspicious activity/drugs?
Hmmm so far just the usual.. it's all quiet all these addresses are all clean.
Seriously? Clean, someone is hiding something we just have to find it.
This damn snow isn't helping either..
Alright this is a dead-end.
Burgess, you got your ears in i radio?
Go for Burgess, hails what's up?
This whole city block is a dead-end are we sure we are looking in the right area?
Umm, let me double check I'll get back to you.
Also, your protein bars and chocolate has arrived, we put it on your desk by the way hails you've got good taste in protein bars,
Copy that.

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