Jay takes on the lead to find hailey.

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Units on the citywide, possible sighting of missing intelligence officer, anyone in the area? units need asistance.
5021 George, hold me down as officer responding, be advised plain clothes officer responding, im 1099
copy that 5021 George. dispatch replys.
as jay reaches for his vest, he grabs his radio.
and says guys anyone have their ears on?
5021 eddie, go ahead jay?
Burgess? jay responds? how the hell did you get here so quickly?
burgess: was grabbing some spanakopita/mint tea, and i was 6 blocks away and i heard your radio call,
jay: so you were easdropping?
burgess: no jay, im just worried about you, and most importantly how we havent found upton, and havent put anyone in lock up yet.
Jay: ok so you wanna assist me with clearing the building? or are you gonna stand by and eat.
burgess : chuckles, my spana can wait, im with you!
jay: ok, now lets move.
burgess: copy that, ill rope everyone in.
jay: no just Ruze!
burgess: why? as she rolls her eyes, procedes to call adam.
Ruzek: 5021 IDA, hold me down at this location, as he arrives 12 minutes late.
Jay: Ruze, what the hell took so long, jay sarcastically laughs
Ruze: so kim what the hell am i doing here, shouldnt we keep hank in the loop?
Kim: jay needed you for extra support and a body to help clear this place.
Ruze: i got you. is that spanakopita? i havent had that in a long time.
Kim: Adam i know what your thinking?
jay: you guys ready? lets move.
Ruze: 5021 IDA, calls motified, advise intellegence has
taken command at this location.
Dispatch: will notify 5021 IDA
Kim: weve got fresh blood, over here? and a jacket!
Jay: jacket?
kim: as in haileys jacket.
jay: we have to find her, its so damn cold
kim: come on jay!
ruze: weve got a polo, qnd jacket.
jay: no signs of hailey?
kim: no jay but shes close, ive got a gut feeling
jay: i out rank your gut, smiles sarcastically
kim: seriously, jay?
ruze: so what do have, blood, shirt, jacket?  and building full of  cold air and foot traffic.
units in the area: 5021, anyone have there ears on? you might wanna see this!
as jay, adam, and kim walk to the back of the building,
they all just look at eachother..
Ruze: should we call hank? i mean?
jay: can we just focus on Hailey? not this crap!
kim: hugs jay, and just says lets get the hell outta here.

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