Back to 21, and feeling 100%

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The next morning, as the alarm clock goes off and its about 5:30 am and hailey wakes up to find that jay has already made coffee, and is in the middle of cooking french toast, and bacon...

Hailey: Honey its not even 6 in the morning, and your up making breakfast , and she inhales the smell of applewood smoked bacon as well as the smell of fresh vanilla.

Jay: So whats on todays agenda, oh thats right, were going back to work. he sarcastically laughs.

Hailey: exactly, by the way are we out of syurp she laughs?
jay points at the small pot warming up maple syurp, you know i hate cold syurp on hot french toast.

hailey laughs while crunching on bacon. so babe when we leave for work lets just keep the baby to ourselves and tell the team later

jay rolls his eyes, no biggie. we dont have to tell anyone.

hailey so we have to wrap this up, and getting ready for work.

jay we dont wanna be late, i mean dont want to be caught in snow traffic.

hailey laughs, by the way shouid i wear black today?

if your wearing black, ill do the same. jay laughs

hailey smiles. and ties her hair up, throws on her black hoodie, and beanie,

as jay comes out of a hot shower, god i love that shower he laughs
hailey rolls her eyes, "MEN". she mumbles.

as hailey prepairs her service weapon, she quickly polishes jays badage..

jay, babe have you seen my shield, i mean my badge,
hailey tosses to him babe it was filthy i had to polish it.

jay laughs, one less thing to worry about.

jay cant help but stare at how beautiful hailey looks.

hailey blushes. alright all set with bacon and coffee in hand
time to head to 21..

(As theyre on the way to work in the snow, hailey clicks on her radio, and she rolls her eyes and tells jay how bad people cant drive in the snow, jay laughs babe any thing you wanna respond to?
not really she says. lets get to 21 in one piece she laughs.)

As they pull into the district, hailey notices the commander and
hank are discussing or debating on something.

jay smirks, what has he got into now? hopefully not another favor or stupid case..

hailey, babe lets just mind our own buisness, im sure its none of our buisness..

jay hugs hailey, your right.

as hailey walks in the door to head into the locker room, and she notices Burgess is meditating on her bench.

as hailey tries not to laugh, and quietly opens her locker,

she hears kim, good morning hails, missed you.

hailey replies whats with the meditation?

oh just a morning habbit kim responds.
welcome back by the way..

as hailey walks into the room shes greeted by atwater with a hug, kim hugs hailey, and she notices ruzek with a shoulder sling on,
the hell happen to you adam she laughs?
a breach that went funny. i almost fell face first through a door,

kim cant stop laughing, told you adam you shoulda kick the door not go shoulder first.

jay walks up behind adam, and whispers "aww poor baby" sarcastically.

Hank comes outta his office to greet hailey and jay,
welcome back you two..
everyone starts clapping..

hailey rolls her eyes, and says it feels good to be back here.
and about my last case, someone fill me in?

hank: hailey my office, and shut the door.
yes sarge? about your case, we locked his ass up, and he wont be getting out anytime soon, we busted him on trafficking.
and thats why adam is in a sling.
trying to save a 15 yr old girls life.
ok i get it sarge, thank you..

hank: hailey you sure your good to go ?

hailey replies sure sarge.
by the way congrats, as hank rubs his stomach.
hailey ignores it.. but is thankful anyway

jay, buds in as hailey puts her gun in her desk, what was that about.
nothing major?
nah hailey replies. and gives him that i love you stare.
Kim: I caught up on a lead, with a CI, nothing major but something I need to clear up, wanna join me Hailey?

Sure Hailey responds, just let me tell Jay first and I'll be out their in 5 minutes.

Kim shakes her head, see you shortly.

As Hailey heads to grab her north face jacket gloves and Vest, and jay tells Hailey to be mindful and careful, and reminds her that her weapon is in her drawer. She laughs, thanks as she hugs jay..

Kim: so Hailey how did he take your baby news?
I'm sure you told him?

Hailey reply's i told him, and he was very excited to being the father.

Kim: does jay think he's ready for fatherhood?
Hailey: pretty sure only time will tell.
Kim nods her head.. and the radio goes off.

Units on the citywide, possible abduction, as well as armed robbery) any units in the area? Available?
Kim: 5021 Eddie, re, 5021 Eddie comeback .
but looks at Hailey?

Hailey reply's what's wrong? Do you wanna take this? I do Kim reply's but she knows Hailey is pregnant.

Hailey rolls her eyes i am gonna be okay let's take this.

Kim rolls her eyes, oh what the hell Hailey call it in.
5021 Henry, responding to the abduction/robbery
plain clothes officers responding..

Hailey tells Kim im alright, let's get to work..

Kim rolls her eyes alright, let's move..

As Upton and burgess arrive on scene Kim notices the Feds are also on scene as well, and as they both flash their badges,
Kim recognizes one of the special
Agents from a distance and to her surprise it was former intelligence detective Erin Lindsay.

As they Hailey gets briefed on the incident,
she sees Kim talking to Lindsay, and Hailey has this look of shock, and feels like this is going to be awkward for Jay since he hasn't heard from Erin in a long time.

Kim rings Hailey on the radio, Hailey you got your ears on?

Hailey: yeah Kim go with your transmission.
Well jay is gonna be an awkward spot when he arrives since Erin is here working on a string of robberies and brutal beatings here in Chicago.
So this should be interesting she sarcastically laughs.

Hailey rolls her eyes. That all Kim?

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