Kim stumbles across signs that lead to haileys location and rescue..

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Kim: guys im gonna head back to 21, gonna check the pod footage.
jay: good idea, ill finish up here call me if you find anything!
kim: you got it man, stop worring so much. shes gonna be fine jay.
jay:but if anything happens to her, i wont be able to forgive myself.
kim: again jay shes a fighter and shes one of us.
jay: just sighs. ill see you back at 21, also did you want any coffee or food?
Kim: sure anything but tacos or thai. and bring me a tea since adam drank all of mine.
jay: laughs and rolls his eyes, mean while holding haileys badge, and he says to himself, come on hailey, give me a sign.

As kim awaits the arrival of her tea, and the rest of the team she starts scanning through footage trying to find the offender who took hailey,
after abour 30 minutes she finally finds out haileys abducter was someone associated with a past case and hailey was the arresting officer.

Jay: heres your mint tea, and some warm zeppole

kim: Zeppole really jay?

jay: yes zeppole jay laughs. did you find anything?
kim replys yes i did its someone who from haileys early yrs as a cop.

hank: so our cop taker is someone from her past? hmm

jay are you eating Zeppole
im gonna have a few, while there warm,

adam: ive got deep dish and some cokes anyone want in,
as he puts the pizza boxes on jays desk.
he goes straight for the zeppole

kim: damn, whats so special about these italian doughnuts she

Jay: you mean "Zeppole"

adam: just stares at kim..

kim: what are you looking at adam? she laughs.

adam: its easy, what im looking at is a cute cop eating an italian doughnut.

jay: guys cut it out, we need to focus

Atwater: Jay you got your ears on bro?

Jay: whatcha got Kev?

Atwater: well ive been on the street in the area of haileys abduction, found out from a CI, we need to find a black bmw, tag  number 4552 klcs.

Jay: im on it, anything else?

atwater: ill be back.

Ruze: terminator he laughs.

Kim: guys i found something, where its possible haileys being held somewhere in the northside in Inglewood.

jay: thats good work, let everyone know.

hank: Gear up no nameplates no badges.
we do this quietly.

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