Finally Finding Jay...

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As more units arrive, my team.
Here I am thinking to myself the hell did I miss, as I'm getting evaluated for my chest shot.
Brett:Hailey I need you to take a deep breath, inhale, exhale for me?
I reply, can we speed this up? I need to get back!
Brett rolls her eyes, Hailey, you need to let us check you out. You just got shot!
I'm okay Brett let me go back to work, I gotta find him!
Fine Hailey take these and go, be careful
As its just advil.
God Brett rolls her eyes,
Here I am radioing Kim you got anything.
Kim replies need you to meet me on the east side of the building.
Copy that I'm on my way..
Here I'm thinking hope it's a lead. I want jay back.
That's all I am focused on...
Kim: Hailey, I found his jacket, his badge, and a bit of blood.
Hailey : Kim this doesn't say anything,
Kim: I know but we found some tracks to where he was moved.
Hailey: Kim tell me! I'm gonna get him
Kim: Hailey that woman he was with. It was Eee
Damn it Kim I'm going after jay.
Adam radios Kim:
Kim, Adam radios!
Yeah Adam what's up!
Send Hailey over to me with a crowbar and a shotgun

Hailey radios; I'm on my way Adam.

as im headed to grab a crowbar/Shotgun, here im thinking did we finally catch a break, or are we headed into another trap, mislead, or are we getting played.
but what the hell, we will find out.
i radio adam, crowbar/shotgun aquired.
copy that adam replies.
im on my way, sit tight.
Kim you got your ears on?
kim replies: sure hailey be careful!
copy that....
i take a deep breath, jay im coming, and whoever is behind all of this. I can't wait to get them in custody.
Whatever happens, whatever it takes I'm bringing him home.
Adam rolls his eyes, okay hails the sentimental, are you ready for this!
As I'm putting a few rounds in my shotgun. And taking a deep breath.
Good to go Adam!
5021 IDA, as well as 5021 Henry, we're going dark, alert all units and intelligence.
Have back up and paramedics on standby.
Copy that 5021 IDA, Will notify.
Alright Hailey are you ready.
On my count, 3,2,.
As Adam opens the door.
Jay, Call out if your in here, Jay!
Halstead, call out, it's Adam!
Damn, it's quiet in here, we should split up, cover more ground,
Alright be careful. Radio me if you need back up hails you be careful. Don't do anything stupid!
I won't, don't worry Ruze, let's find jay.

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