after a long day, hailey just wants to have oreos, and relax.

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It's been a really long day hasn't it babe,

Hailey can tell jay is physically drained, as he's looking at his bandage in the living room mirror, and has he's looking himself in the mirror,
Hailey comes up behind him put her arms around him and says your a good man, you did your job today, regardless it was Erin or not, you handled yourself well.

Jay goes to grab Haileys hand and tells her, that it was the heat of the moment,
i honestly didn't know what I was doing, why I was assisting the way I did,

I mean I was actually confused, when I saw Erin laying there unconscious, but anyways it's done it's over, as he goes to kiss Hailey, babe I love you!

Hailey immediately says I love you too, so do you think you can eat Oreos faster than me? She laughs.

Jay replies babe don't make me laugh, I can sure as hell try.

By the way, did you wanna watch a NatGeO documentary or did you just want to watch DDD on food network, that guy with really bright hair,

You mean Guy Fieri, jay laughs.

Yeah that's him.. Hailey laughs..

As Hailey is getting comfy, while watching DDD, jay literally gets hungry, and starts looking for something to munch on.

Babe, do you want any outside food, since now the Oreos aren't cutting it for me, he laughs, and its that GUY's fault now I want something to really eat.
Hailey laughs, so did you need any suggestions?
I've got a few.

Jay replies, by throwing a marshmallow at Hailey.

She laughs and says "Oh no you didn't, just throw a perfectly good marshmallow at me."

Jay laughs, what are you gonna do about it honey..

Hailey grabs a gummy bear and flings it at him.

Jay laughs, you missed..

Damn it, hailey laughs..

as the night goes on jay just cant take his eyes off of hailey.

hailey: babe what are you looking at.

jay replies, your eyes. and most of all your hair smells like an awesome strawberry.

hailey blushes, and hugs jay.
so jay, i have to ask, when it came down to erin today, what did you honestly feel when you saved her.
honestly babe,

jay replies i was just doing my job.
love you.

hailey: love you too..

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