a lead and feeling like shes walking into a setup.

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Haileys Synopsis:
As I'm at my desk, processing my paper work as well as writing jays report, thinking to myself, If I should dig back into my case the time I was missing?
Maybe I should persuade myself to, should I just forget it..
anyway since jay is on patrol duty.
I giggle might as well dig into my abduction case.
I've got a hunch. I might just do it.
Hopefully jay can get behind this, quite frankly I wonder how he's doing wearing blues, and driving around all afternoon
I giggle.........

As I'm about to finally submit these reports, my phone goes off..
H:this is detective Upton. To whom am I speaking to?
C: you've been hard to find detective, in time you will find out who I am, and what my demands from you are.
We will be in touch..
H:who is this and what the hell do.....
C: hangs up.
The hell was this all about, someone is looking for me?
But didn't tell me what for or why...
I pick up my radio, Jay you got your ears on?
J:Go for Jay, speak.
H:It's me, we need to talk, as soon as you can catch a break.
J: What's going on? Everything ok?
H: I'll discuss more on this later, I'll see you soon.
J: copy that...
Just when my worries were over, things were beginning to settle down, I just have this feeling something isn't right.
But I'm not going to let this break me,
I've got jay and he's my shield, and my love for him will be stronger than any moron who thinks that they can play games with me..
As i am processing and thinking who's after me, I'm getting a little paranoid, for now I'm considering keeping this between jay and I, I don't want the team to panic or worry again about me, or my personal drama they all have enough stress and pressure as it is, and for now I'm gonna keep this quiet.
maybe wait to later tell Voight, or when the time is right..
It's been one of those days, and I honestly hope that this situation doesn't back fire or blow up in my face..
God I can't wait til jay gets done with his detail.
I'm craving a burger and a beer...
I text jay.
H:Babe burgers and beers tonight? Thinking maybe we can go to Wahlburgers?
J:I'm totally down for that, after all these city tickets I had to write. Sheesh. Could use a burger and a beer, and of course you my love. Casual date night?
H:mmmm, sure ❤️
J: I'll see you back at 21 shortly, love you
H:Love you too, drive safely babe.
Jays Synopsis:
As I'm headed back into the district, after a long day doing a bit of community work, the 12 tickets I wrote, which it's been a long time since I've done tickets.
I swear, I'm glad I'm a detective, I can't wear blues day in and day out..
now where's my fiancé.
As I'm headed up the stairs I see her sitting on the top of stairs.
Babe are you ok? Have you missed me.
She shakes her head and gives me a hug.
Babe she replies, we need to have a talk?
Ok? Sure not here right.
Of course silly over dinner. She giggles
Alright well let me get into my street clothes and grab a shower and burger night is on me.
She giggles, see you shortly..
Hank synopsis:
Jay, my office right now!
Oh shit here we go, yes sarge?
He replies, no worries your not in trouble, just wanted to say good work today bro.
Now get outta here, don't you have a date tonight.
Also shut my door.
See you tomorrow jay.
Sarge. As I head out the door..

About 20 minutes later after a warm department shower, it was time for dinner.
Hails, you ready
Just a sec let me grab my gun and radio. She giggles.
Meet you at my truck babe..
she giggles. I'll race you?
Your on kiddo.
She laughs, I win I get the milkshake..
I roll my eyes, your on..
She laughs..

As we head off to dinner, and a mini night on the town, something I'm sure we both needed.
So jay I ask, you know today I got a really suspicious phone call, some one asking for me and wanting demands from me later on..
he replies, babe maybe it's a scam or a punk trying to mess with a cop. I mean people are crazy now days.
I try to shrug it off, but babe I'm a little paranoid, what if they come after me, or you for that matter?
Jay pulls Hailey in for a hug babe, nothing is gonna happen to me,
I got you? Did you tell voight?
Not yet, I want this between u and I. I don't want the team worrying.
But don't hold off too long
You and me.. ..
As we arrive to walhburgers,
Stomachs are growling, after a long day we head on in and order
Cheeseburgers tots and a shake?
Sounds perfect, I'll put those in,
Will be out shortly.
As we can't stop staring at each other.
This should be good..

We both laugh.
Footsies, really I giggle..
Since we're sitting across from each other, and your incredibly sexy might as well he laughs, I blush..
As our food arrives, which all looks Devine after a day we had.
While munching, he asks so babe what is it did you wanna discuss.
Well she replies, just the uneasy phone call i got while at work, I mean demanding demands? has me a bit worried?
Sweet heart don't stress it's probably some kinda joke. He looks at me, nothing is wrong.
We're gonna be okay besides you've got us .. we will do all we can if something or anything happens..

I love you jay..
I love you too Hailey, don't worry so much I'm not gonna go anywhere nothing will happen to me.....
After a few laughs a great burger and milkshake..
We decide to head home..
As we get to the house.
Take our boots guns badges and coats off
He goes to grab my ass off my feet and kisses me..
Heading all the way up to the bed room..
as things settle in, we decide to just brush and freshen up
Call it a night..
love you babe
Love you too..
{}____{} ........

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