Hailey Comes home, after a fun day all to herself.

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Hailey walks into the house with a couple of to-go boxes, and a few other things, and she realizes jay is on the couch asleep, and the end credits of rambo 3 are playing, and jay is snoring..

as hailey is trying to be as quiet as possible to not disturb jay.

jay whispers, babe did you have a good time? jay yawns.

I freakin missed you, as jay walks up behind hailey, kisses her shoulder, and smells her hair, god your hair just smells so good..

hailey blushes, as she can hardly move, she does the next best thing wraps her legs around jay and kisses him.

while carrying hailey across the kitchen floor, to the living room to cut off the tv..

hailey just kisses jay trying to distract him going up the stairs, babe your a beast.

so guest room or our bedroom? he laughs,
our bedroom hailey laughs..

jay kisses hailey.

babe put me down hailey asks, i really need to take a shower..

jay rolls his eyes, alright, but damn, your so beautiful.

hailey blushes, ill be right back love, dont you go anyhwere..

Jay: i won't go far, he says, just going to brush my teeth.

Hailey: laughs.. blushes and stares at jay brushing his teeth..

Meanwhile jay can't take his eyes off Hailey.
Ok cowboy, focus on those teeth, I'm gonna enjoy my hot shower Hailey laughs, oh by the way shut the door. So water doesn't go all over the place..

jay: save me some hot water.. he laughs.

No promises babe, Hailey laughs...

15 minutes have past, and Hailey comes busting outta the bathroom fresh as a daisy, hair smelling like fresh strawberries, and the steam comes barreling out.

Jay laughs, time for me to get a cold shower.. he shakes his head..

Hailey laughs, so did you wanna do a nature video, cooking show or a movie?

Whatever you want, Jay replies, don't go anywhere, you beautiful blondie..

Hailey laughs, babe your such a dork sometimes.
By the way thank you for today. I really needed it.
Your welcome honey, I love you

Hailey blushes, I love you too babe.

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