Refusal to stand down, and something really is wrong.

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As jay is racing through traffic he's called Hailey 5 times, and has gotten nothing but the voicemail, and he's thinking and getting concerned,
As he pulls up on Upton's car, he sees blood on the front driver-side door.
As he hesitates to call it in, and attempts to take matters in his own hands, smashes the door down and what he finds is Haileys phone badge and gun on her kitchen counter,  with a blood trail, and a cracked mirror.
And jay is in complete shock, second guessing if he shoulda took the threat seriously.
So he calls it in, 5021 George possible kidnapping, be advised the victim. Is one of our own!
Units on the citywide possible kidnapping, jay takes a deep breath as he awaits the teams arrival.
After about 5 minutes as usual hank asks jay are you ok? Jay reply's, no sarge I'm not ok my partner is missing, there's blood everywhere, and i if I would've gotten here faster Hailey would be here, instead here we are as jay holds upton's badge  in his hands with the look of worry, and concern.
Hank reply's we're gonna find her, we will bring her back home safe.
Jay you've done all you can go get outta here get some fresh air,
as Burgess comes through the door, she gives jay a hug and says man it's not your fault,
We will get to the bottom of this, but who in the hell would kidnap a cop, let alone Hailey who would do this?
As hank surveys the blood? And he looks at burgess, and says keep an eye on jay!
He is in a tight spot, and he's prone to snap especially if it's his partner who's missing.
We just need this prick find out why they took Upton, and what the hell do they want from us?
Adam reply's, where gonna find her alive right?

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