getting home only to find hailey in the kitchen cooking.

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coming into the house with a bags of groceries, hailey asks, did grab the tomato? and the garlic, in making of a fantasic gravy, or should i say, red sauce 👌, oh did you grab my pickles. she laughs, "Pregnant problems"

jay laughs, its ok honey.. he smiles.

but babe, does my babybump make me look fat? hailey asks?

no honey jay smiles it makes you more and more beautiful, every passing day..

Hailey blushes, and begins to sauté,

as jay looks on to actually keep an eye on what she's doing, and at the same time he starts to make noodles, what's red sauce without pasta he laughs.

Hailey replies, everything you need is right in front of you. Also don't forget to salt the water. She laughs.

Jay turns around and puts his arms around Hailey, to try and distract her, but instead of a kiss, she gives him a pickle.

Jay then mumbles not what I had in mind. He laughs.

So babe, how did your face to face with Erin go?
Everything smoothed out, or should I say everything alright?

Jay replies sure we had a long chat about the past and she apologizes to me after 6 yrs, as jays kneading his pasta dough. As much as it was awkward, as friends it was a good talk.

By the way babe, you look good in my army sweats
Hailey blushes.. your such a dork sometimes but anyway, any dessert ideas?

Jay laughs babe this is your night, you decide.

Hailey winks.. btw I need you to try my sauce, did i need more salt?

Jay goes to taste the sauce, doesn't say anything, and kisses Hailey on the shoulder, and whispers, babe all you need is a touch of pepper. Just let it simmer.
Love you.. honey.

Hailey adds the pepper, and blushes with blissful eyes.

Jay, Hailey reacts, I love you.

Something about tomato sauce just makes time in the kitchen so seductive sometimes.

Jay laughs, by the way babe did you want me to make my garlic bread..

Hailey replies, definitely she winks..

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