Hailey Wakes Up, realizes shes back in Med.. and she wonders what happen?

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As hailey begins to briefly wake up,
she wonders why shes back in a hospital bed, and she looks around the room with a dazed eye trying to find Jay, not realizing hes resting on the side of her hospital bed in a chair snoring, as she begins to zone out she kisses jays hand.
and whispers to herself "I love you"..

As Natalie walks past haileys room window, she sees jay by haileys bedside, and she says to herself, thats just so cute, she blushes and she mumbles to herself, does jay even know shes.. pregnant.

Will: comes up behind natalie and whispers in her ear she hasnt told him yet, and lets keep it between us, let hailey tell jay herself.

Natalie: rolls her eyes, and says only a Halestead..

Will: Nat?, would you like to go to dinner, after shift?

Natalie: sure will, but if we go were having steak, and your buying.

Will rolls his eyes, then its settled, as he hugs Natalie.

(Natalie blushes, and tells will he smells very good.)

As jay slowly starts to strech and wake up, his radio goes off
5021 George, you got your ears on?

Go for 5021 George, whos this? jay its kim she laughs,
geeze, whats going on kim?

Kim: nothing major just checking you guys, we all wanna know is she okay?

Jay: come down and see for your self, shes resting well. nothing major.

Kim: good, because we all were worried. ill catch up with you later

we caught a case. so yeah.. its time to you know, "Work".
you need us just call.
5021, out.

Jay just laughs. and haileys eyes begin to slowy open, he leans over and kisses haileys forehead.

hailey: just looks at jay wonders how long shes been out for? and begins to think about what to eat,  since now shes hungry..

Jay: youve been out the last few hours, and what would you like, and hank and all were here they left some doughnuts and deep dish.

hailey just blushes... then she asks when can she get discharged and get back to work..

Natalie softly knocks on the glass noticing that hailey is awake snacking on jays leftovers.

she quietly whispers and says does he know?  and hailey replys what that im pregnant? i havent told him yet, and i dont want him to think any different of me.

Natalie shruggs her shoulders, and says you need to tell him at a point your ready to, by the way ill have you out here by first thing in the morning, since your free and clear of all stress and your fully rehydrated.
hailey laughs, and says another 24, cant you just let me go now, and im sure jays getting fed up with weak coffee.

Natalie: rolls her eyes, ill have you outta here as soon as i can.

Hailey: i owe you one... she hugs natalie

No worries natalie replys, btw those doughnuts? they anygood?
Hailey: go ahead Nat help yourself she laughs.

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