Haileys POV

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All I've got to say is, this job has been the best thing I've ever done in my life, my team, my boss, and most of all my jay, I'm so grateful to have him by my-side as my partner my fiancé as well as my soon to be father of my kid.
I love him so much..
but for now I've gotta focus on getting these drugs off the street and lock up who is responsible for these kids deaths.

Going into another day, of searching, looking for more suspicious activity, and we have come up short, we have to be missing something here.
I just have a hunch, and honestly I just hope to god we don't find a child dead.
As I'm running surveillance, here I'm thinking to myself I should make a move or just let it play and follow orders.
So I just grab my radio, Babe you got your ears on?
Go for jay, he responds: what's up?
I reply, how's the roof? Any luck out there?
He replies all clear here just laying on my ass looking through a scope.
I giggle alright there Rambo.
Babe, he responds? How's our little peanut? Safe and sound?
I blush, so far no complaints? When this is over wanna grab some dinner, maybe go on a double date?
Adam wants to take Kim out for sushi? Since he's been on a crazed crave for a few weeks?
Jay replies: I'm down? I mean it's been forever since I've even eaten sushi.

Alright it's settled then..

Kim you got your ears on:
Kim replies: don't I always hails, what's up?
I radio back, what's your 20
She's replies 3 blocks over, you ok?
Yeah I reply all good. By the way, sushi date?
Adam rings in: did someone say sushi?
Kim and Hailey both laugh? Yes Adam sushi!
Jay clicks in: girls?

Kev: y'all cut the chatter I think I got something.

Oh here we go jay laughs, babe I'm getting off the roof I'm coming to you, cover me will ya.

Copy that jay, your all clear.

So what do we got? We all stare at Kev!
Kev replies we got nothing, false alarm.
Shit really we all laugh.
Hank radios Hailey.
Hank: Hailey, I see we've got nothing going on, so turn your radio up so you can all hear me.
Hailey:Copy that Sarge,
Hank: All of you, feel free to stand down, report back to the district, shave down your gear, and go home for the night.
No point in chasing anything or anyone we can't find or see. So yeah have a good night, don't argue with me, it's an order!
We all reply copy that we are all on our way!
Adam: i radio, stand down.
Adam replies, copy that.
Kev: I'm out, see you all later.
Adam&Kim: hails jay we will see you tonight at dinner.
Jay&Hailey: Kiss, let's get the hell outta here.
Kim & Adam: Awwww look at the lovebirds.

Upon return to 21, we all take off our vests, holsters radios and we noticed we all have gift cards to our favorite restaurants with notes from hank.
Guys and girls you all did great work, now go enjoy yourselves..

We all look at each other? Really?
This is a first.
Alright you guys see you all later.

Hailey: Babe, we have an a couple of hours before dinner, as i wrap my arms around jay.
He laughs, babe are you thinking what I'm thinking..
Mmmmhmmm, Hailey giggles.
Alright then, let's get the hell out of here.
As i lift hails off her feet. And carry her to my truck.
Hails can't stop laughing, babe, please don't drop me.
Have I not dropped you I laugh.
Babe the baby she giggles..
oh that's right, don't worry I got you.
You can be such a dork sometimes, she laughs..
Babe you can put me down, I'm highly capable to open my own door.
No insist, as I open the door for her.
That's so sweet, I giggle.
Alright he laughs let's get home.
Please, in one piece.
Now where the hell are my keys?
She laughs it's on the dash you dork..
oh, I see.
Anyways buckle up. And hold on tight.
Really babe, are we really doing this right now?
He laughs what, running red lights, for sure.
Besides we're both police? We can drive as fast as we want to, she laughs just don't forget the blue lights.
Okay so That's 3 reds so far you know if we were regulars we would of gotten a huge ticket.
They both laugh.
15 minutes later..
Pulling into the drive way, i undo my buckles and hop on jays lap, to kiss him.
He laughs, babe? You know what your doing dont you.
She playfully giggles, mmmhmm. You know what I want.
Let's get outta this truck.
As I carry Hailey into the house taking off the jackets, dropping the bags, badges, radios guns, and meanwhile carrying Haile trying not to fall or drop her going up the stairs.
Heading into the bedroom without any hesitation.
All of a sudden careless whisper automatically plays, as I place her on the bed.
Babe she giggles, so do you like what you see?
I don't like, I love what I see. Day in and day out.
She giggles as I tickle her.
Jays pov:
She's so beautiful as well cute how the hell did I get so lucky.
God I love her.
She laughs, I love you too babe. Now should I undo the shirt? One button at a time or just rip it.
He laughs.
Your call .... You do what you want babe..

I laugh, before I can tease, he's up on me like he hasn't seen me in a week.
Kissing, rubbing my back, most of all he just loves playing with my hair.
I giggle.

Half an hour later after some cuddle time.
Realizing we still have to get ready for dinner with Kim and Adam.

Babe I laugh let's pick this up later, maybe we can share this shower since you know.
Of course he laughs.fire up the warmth as water I mean..

As I'm heading into the shower my radio goes off.
Seriously, why can't Kim just call me like a normal person she has to always use the rover for everything.

He laughs, it's who she is, but right she could just use a phone.

Here we go
Kim: jay&Hails? You got your ears on, Adam and I will meet you, for dinner.
We both don't respond, we just cut the radio off and go on about our hot steamy shower.
Jay laughs...

And all I can do is kiss him.

Babe, so do you wanna do all black, or just do something casual?

It doesn't matter, i mean i am as fluffy as can be, I mean i am eating for two, and yeah it's called prego problems.

He smiles babe you look beautiful don't ever think any less of yourself.

Also close your eyes I got you something.
Oh really.

As I go to put it around her neck and kiss her.
Alright I'll go get the Jeep fired up.

You mean my jeep I laugh,

I mean it's date night right.

Don't worry I won't scratch or hit a curb.

She laughs like the night we first started dating.

He laughs.

Heading to dinner, after all that we've been through this should be one fun night, it's been a long time since I've done sushi.
And besides jay looks incredible even with a swollen eye. I giggle.
Lord he better not hit the curb.
Jay's POV:
All I can say is it's been so long since sushi has entered my stomach, and besides I can't believe how incredibly sexy my date looks even though she's carrying my kid.
Its just so cute......
Now let's do this, babe I love you.
I love you too babe. She kisses me .
As we head into the restaurant we see Kim and Adam are already seated, Kim looks beautiful, Hailey nudges, I agree Kim looks so hot. I giggle, shoot she's our friend, and Adam looks like a lumberjack with the plaid shirt and jeans.
Adam winks at Hailey, you look cute.
Even if I'm eating for two. We all laugh.
Waiter : so what can we get you started with?
Can we wall have non alcoholic strawberry daiquiris ?
Waiter laughs, sure let me guess the blonde is pregnant?
Yes, jay laughs I'm responsible,
The waiter grins, well I'll give you a few minutes to decide, may I suggest a sushi boat, oh and our tuna just came in from Japan, also salmon from Alaska and our snow crab fritters are to die for..
I'll get your drinks.
So jay, Kim asks how are things? I mean after all you went through.
I'm fine i reply.
Hailey buds in, Kim I just have to say that dress looks so good on you.
Adam bought it for me a year ago, I just haven't worn it yet.
So Adam do or do you want to marry Kim?
Kim blushes, babe she asks Adam.
Adam blushes sure as hell I do.
Ok 4 strawberry daiquiris no alcohol. The waiter lays down the drinks.
By the way waiter we would like to order your recommendation.
He smiles that was easy.
They all smile..

As the night goes on, full of laughs sushi, rice wine, and a few other drinks.
So Adam, Hailey asks? So what's the future hold for you and Kim?

He laughs, might get married? I mean you and jay did it?
I laugh sure.. and honestly he caught me off guard.
You mean while in Rome?
Yes in Rome,

I have to ask, did Jay smack that or did he grab on to it..
Jay laughs, that is not your business.
Hailey rolls her eyes, god..

Alright you guys jay and I will see you at the district in the morning
Alright love birds.. be safe..

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