jays worried about hailey, yet again but it isnt as bad he thinks.

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As Brett and Gabby, wheel hailey into the ER, Will is standing by and asks Brett, whats wrong with her, and she just says hailey had passed out in the middle of work.  and she looked a bit pale. dehydration maybe?

Will shakes his head, and asks where is his brother,  and before he could ask jay comes running up behind gabby, hugs her and tells her thanks for his stiches,

Brett :laughs, so jay as were waiting on an update on her,
says to herself i think haileys pregnant? 
as she brushes it off,
or maybe its lack of sleep, or the after stress of her situation,

jay : rolls his eyes, and replys so anyone want tea or coffee?

Brett: Tea actually sounds good at the moment, and it literally freezing, anyone else cold?

Jay: Silv its chicago, it always cold, and proccedes to take his vest off and hands her his jacket. im entrusting my jacket to brett, keep it clean .

Brett: aww thanks jay, no worries if i do damage ill pay for the dry cleaning. trust me. btw jay you smell good. she laughs.

Gabby buds in. doughnuts anyone?

jay: sure, ill have one.

Brett: Oh alright ill have one too. she laughs.

as will comes walking down the hall, hes got huge sign of relief on his face.
So jay he asks, want the good news, or bad news or both at the sametime?

jay: just spill the beans,

will: so the good news is she was dehydrated, and well shes resting
well now.

jay: bad news?! you can tell me bro?

Will: so jay? are you ready to be a, oh never mind as he shruggs it off and changes the subject..

brett: will dont say a word i was just super cold, and did you know your brother smells so good. she laughs as well as blushes.

will: Silv, just dont get anything on his prized army jacket.

Brett: no worries, anyway Jay im gonna head down to go grab some acutal food, doughnuts arent cutting it for me, did you or hailey
want any outside food.

Jay replies, grab us a couple of chicken sandwiches as well as some
truffle fries, hailey loves them..

brett: no problem.. ill see you guys shortly, by the way thanks for the jacket.

jay replies all good but keep it on its snowing.

brett: just winks at jay..

as jay stands out side of haileys room looking at her just resting like a baby,.

has a small talk with will, about hailey.
so if for instance hailey is pregnant, do you think ill be a good dad?
will shruggs and says youll do great.
by the way you can go be by her side when she wakes up..

Jay: again thanks bro, for everything..

will: what im here for, brother.. you need anything just holler,.

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