Back together at last..

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After getting jay back, I still have my wonders about the whole situation, but I'll deal with that later for now I'm just gonna focus on getting better as well as taking care of jay.
And I am so grateful I got to him.
If I lost him I would never be able to forgive myself, I admit that I love him so damn much, and I would do this all over again , no doubt.

As we both are in the hospital for treatment, as Natalie is running tests on me.
Natalie: Hailey, can you take a deep breath, and exhale?
Hailey: sure..
Natalie: does it hurt or do you feel any pain?
Hailey : nope, just some soreness.
Natalie: alright. I'll be writing you a pain prescription, for your chest bruise.
Take 2 a day and as needed for lingering pain.
Hailey: thank you. May I go be with jay?
Natalie: your clear to go be lovebirds.
Hailey: thanks I'll see you? Steak is on me later in the week?
Natalie : sounds good, I'll be good to have some girl time while Will and jay catch a damn hockey game..
see you soon, be careful, and not careless you hear me,
Love you too Hailey laughs..

Jays POV:
As  I'm waiting for my fiancé, here I am thinking to myself how grateful that she saved my life.
After all this time in the ER, I'm starving and hospital food just sucks.
Maybe deep dish and some beer.
As I see Hailey walking toward me, she looks so sexy busted up I laugh.
She looks at me, and laughs.
As I smack her ass she giggles.
Babe.. I'm starving she laughs.
Me too, wanna get the hell outta here, maybe grab a deep dish, some beer, and some Oreos?
She giggles, maybe a little bit of snuggles as well, also let's do a movie, since we both won't be working tomorrow, since we're both busted up, and besides hank wants us to rest recover, and just forget being cops for a little bit.
Sounds good to me..
we both laugh.

As the night goes on, heading to one of our favorite deep dish joints, and what do we know it starts snowing, only in Chicago.

Now I gotta run in get the pizza, Haileys breadsticks as well as a few chili flake packs.
Damn this pizza smells good.

Heading back to the truck I see that Hailey is taking a nap, god she looks so cute.

Anyways as were headed back home, I click on my radio for a second.
As usual no fun calls.
As I turn my radio off, Hailey wakes up
Babe was I out long.
Not at all.. I got the pizza.

She laughs it smells so good.
Awww you got my garlic bread, as she starts munching.
Anything for you babe..

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