Hailey & Jay continue there conversation.

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Hailey: so babe, did you want to start Star Wars in chronological order? Or did you want to start with episode 1,2,&3?
Jay laughs doesn't matter to me I've seen them all, you pick one
Fine, a new hope it is, Hailey laughs.
Oh so you wanna start with that one, sounds good jay laughs.

Hailey: So about our baby, how are we going to go about this.

Jay kisses Hailey, wraps his arm around her and just says we're gonna be okay love, don't worry about anything at all, and don't stress, you've got me.
Hailey just lays her head on jays chest and wonders to herself how did I get lucky.

Jay laughs good thing we can fast forward these openers for Star Wars movies take forever.

Hailey laughs: so do you think we're having a son or a daughter, only time will tell.. so yeah we're gonna be okay, I love you Jay, and i thank you for loving me .

Jay: don't thank me, it's you and me to the end,
And I love you too, now let's try to relive the galaxy.

Hailey: your such a dork jay.

Jay: but you love this dork.

Hailey : I can't argue with that, by the way I would love to hit the range after work, test out some new rounds?

Jay: ok, gun range, also 200 bucks says I hit a bullseye.

Hailey reply's in your dreams..

Jay: is that a challange? he laughs

hailey continues to laugh, but at the sametime she says darth vader is quite a villan..

jay replies babe hes an icon to all starwars fans. by the way i was meaning to give this to you i was gonna wait, but here is a new glock   a piece you been wanting for years.

Hailey just smiles? 9mm or a 40?

jay: its a new 40.

hailey smiles and just cant belive he would do something like that. for her.

jay smiles and says well you deserve it, besides now we both match he laughs.

hailey lays on jays lap and smiles i cant wait to get back to work tomorrow..

jay: stares into haileys eyes and says are you sure up to work tomorrow, as he rubs haileys forehead.

hailey quickly says babe im a big girl i can handle myself besides your my partner..

jay: your right.. okay ive had enough of luke skywalker for one night, wanna get some sleep?

hailey kisses jay, sure babe she replies.

as the night goes on jay stares as the ceiling and just thinks how did i get so lucky to be loving my partner my best friend and future mom)

hailey tells jay cut the lamp and tv off and get some rest as she wraps her arms around him, and tells him she loves him as she begins to fall into a peaceful sleep.

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