Erin's Case continues

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As Erin arrives to the 21st district, she takes in the moment going up the stairs, thinking to herself of all her past history.

Walking up to the front desk the first thing she notices is Trudy is having an issue with a fellow officer over cold coffee.

And right of the bat, rolls her eyes, rookies she mumbles,

I apologize she says, who are you and what do you want, need or dare complain about intelligence?
Not here to complain, I'm here to speak with Sargent  Voight.

Trudy replies sarcastically, depends who is asking, please identify yourself, it's procedure.

I'm Special Agent Lindsay, here to speak to intelligence about a suspect and case.

Well gee wish special agent, I'll walk you upstairs, Trudy rolls her eyes, I appreciate that Lindsay replies.

As Trudy walks up the stairs,  guys and gals you have a special agent here wanting to speak to you all about a case and suspect.

Hank rolls his eyes, thanks Trudy.

I'm special agent Lindsay, I'm here to discuss a case and work along side you all to bring this bad guy to justice.

Burgess,Ruzek,Atwater, Upton and Halstead  all greet Erin with hugs and handshakes.

Meanwhile, Trudy is stunned to realize the special agent she rudely yelled at was actually Erin.

Erin rolls her eyes, it's good to see you Trudy!
Long time no see.

It's only been 6 yrs Trudy replies..

Hank: Erin, my office I would love to have a word.
Typical hank Erin rolls her eyes.

Yes Sargent, Erin replies.

Hank : Erin shut my door,

Erin shuts the door and hank proceeds to give her a hug and says how's the job treating you. I mean it's only been 6 yrs.

Erin replies it's been great, and I'm sorry I kept off the grid for a length of time, and to show up here catching you off guard.

Hank just hugs Erin and whispers in her ear it's great to see you. Blossoming into the agent I know you can be, I am damn proud.

So let's get this guy, like old times, one more time?

Erin, rolls her eyes without question let's do it.
Hank and Erin hug it out, and Erin replies, let's go to work.

Hank: first matter of business,  I want Adam/Kev to partner up as well as Upton/Halstead, and that leaves burgess/special agent Lindsay?

Burgess laughs why do I have to get Erin she rolls her eyes.

Erin: Kim relax we're on the same team, but if you prefer Hailey, ill gladly swap with to be along side jay.

Jay rolls his eyes, like old times Erin?

Yes like old times, but you drive this time she laughs.

Hank: well it's settled then Kim/Hailey, Jay/Lindsay.

As Hailey rubs her stomach again, makes eye contact with jay. Love you babe, she lips
Jay smiles.)

Erin begins to address the team, about the robbery crew she's been after for awhile)

Adam makes a stupid comment, let me guess money and Rolex's?
No Adam. Erin replies more like drugs and women.
And we need to find this guy/crew be a head of them.
They roll in groups in twos. They all ride Harley's and carry really big guns.

Jay laughs, so we're going after a biker gang, and feeling like sons of anarchy.
Erin laughs jay you can say that.

Hailey: let's remain objective here.

(Hank guys let's all go out on the street and something, let's get those people off the street and behind bars) I don't want another woman dying on my streets)
Jay: ok sarge, now let's move..

Hailey: rubs her stomach, tells jay to be careful,

Jay replies: i will,  tells her he loves her..

(As Erin walks up to jay, like old times huh)

Well only time will tell, jays replies.

Erin rolls her eyes...

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