Beerbottles, Jay, Erin & a 6yr conversation.

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It has been 6yrs since Erin&Jay have spoken to one another, its been a long waited conversation that needed to happen, and a burden that needs to be lifted off of jays shoulders..

Erin: I want to start this off by saying how  sorry I am the way our partnership ended 6yrs ago, and I was wrong to have left without even saying goodbye,

The situation with my mother had gotten out of control, and the decision I made during that time it had given Hank no choice but to hand me off to the feds, it was either I went to jail, and destroyed what the unit or what we had, or I just take a job doing more difficult things.

Jay I regret how we parted ways, but I just want you to know all of this was never your fault, so don't ever feel guilty or have any doubt in your mind, I never hated or had Ill feelings toward you, I always cared, and loved you, and the memories I still look back on time to time, you were my best friend, my only person who understood me.
I hope one day you can forgive me.

Jay: Erin, listen to me I understand that you had to leave intelligence because you had no other option,
You could have at least reached out. I mean at the time I really missed you and had no idea what had happen. Hank never said anything, he told me to move on.. but it took me 3 yrs. 3yrs! As jay holds Erin's hand for the first time in a long time.

Erin blushes, Jay? What are you doing.

Jay, sorry I just. Never-mind.

Erin rolls her eyes, you can by me a🍺 if you want I mean we're still friends here, besides I'm sure you miss my beer dates with you, Erin laughs

Jay replies we sure as hell had some fun back in the day. I still never understood why you never ever let me drive, he laughs

Erin reply's well it was a habit she laughs you just couldn't handle my car.

Jay: oh Lord your car? He laughs..

So jay I have to ask, how's your relationship with Hailey doing?

Jay downs his beer, well she's been the best thing to ever happen to me, you can say she's always kept me on my toes, laughter lot of love, most of all she's the best partner I could ever ask for.

Erin replies, I noticed back at the scene, she was rubbing her stomach, are you two? Having a baby?

Jay replies, yes

Erin hugs Jay, congrats give her my best.
Also jay it's good to see you again, maybe we can now work along side to close this case I've been on for 24 months.

Jay ask: 24 months, Erin are you ok?

Erin: I'll feel better once I lock up this SOB.

Jay: no harm in that...

Erin downs her beer, can I get a whiskey please.

Jay: still love that whiskey don't you. Make it two.

(Jays phone goes off and it's Hailey)

Erin laughs, let me guess, babymomma.

Jay: Erin, shut up he laughs. I gotta take this.
Erin: be my guest..

Hailey: babe when you head home can you grab some onions,garlic,tomatoes bread, and some red velvet cake mix.. oh and some half sour pickles.
Ok jay replies, I'll see you in a bit, I love you.
Hailey : I love you too, see you soon.

Erin: awww, jay well it was good to talk to you again.

Jay tells the bartender, 250.0o should be enough to cover my and her drinks as well as your tip.

Have a great night and Erin I'll see you again take care of yourself.

Erin blushes, you too! Be safe.

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