arrival to med, as hailey gets checked out, jay has something to tell hailey .

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As jay waits in the lobby in the ER, awaiting an update on hailey.
he has a chat with with brett, as she is also worried about jay)

Jay: the last 17 hours have been so stressful as well as difficult
and i was begining to think i wasnt going to find her, as hes staring at haileys blood on his vest and hands, and begins to cry but tries to hide his emotions.

Brett: jay i get it you went through a really stressful/tramatic
situation today, and im sure you were scared, you were gonna lose her , not trying to bud in, but it was hard for you, because you love her.

Jay: as he trys to keep his cool, not trying to cry.

brett: its ok , as she goes to hug jay, and tells him its gonna be alright.
jay: thank silv, means alot, btw i got 3 stiches.

brett: she laughs and says did it hurt?

jay: laughs and it wasnt too bad gabby took care of me.

Brett: good to know also ive got to get back to 51, if you need anything you call me..

Jay: thanks, you be safe.

brett: hugs jay, and walks on down the hallway.

as jay is about to nod off and catch a few minutes of  sleep
will comes out taking his gloves off, and offers an update on hailey.

Jay: bro is she gonna be ok?

Will: she lost a little bit of blood, and a few minor bruises, but shes gonna be just fine, and she wanted me to come and get you as soon as we were done with her, so you can go on in.
bro if you need me ill be down the hall.
Jay: thanks..

as  jay walks into haileys room, he sees that shes asleep,
and he walks to be by her bedside when she wakes up
he procedes to hold her hand, and says to her while talking to himself.
if you can hear me  hailey, i just wanted you to know that i love you.. he procedes to rest his head on her arm..
about 20 minutes later hailey begins to gain consiousness,
she feels that jay holding her hand with a blush she raises her hand and kisses jays hand.

jay: hailey how are you doing?

hailey: ive been worse, but any way i want you to know that i love you, and im grateful to it being you who came through the door. and you saved my life?

Jay: I was only doing my job, and my only obligation was to find you and bring you back alive. whatever the cost, and like i said, if something to ever have happen to you, as jay holds haileys hand,
i couldnt forgive myself.

Hailey: Jay i get it, while i was missing i was really thinking i was gonna die, and i was scared, but it was the thoughts of you that kept me wanting to fight and stay alive. since i knew you were gonna be the one to save me.

Jay: well your my partner, and your my best friend, also did you want greek or italian or burgers? since will wont let me get you outta here for 24hours. and you know how i hate hospital food. he laughs.

Hailey: laughs,smiles and just tells jay to surprise her with anything good to just eat.

Jay: what about dessert or midnight munchies

Hailey: blushes and just stares at jay.

Will: sorry to bud in on you too lovebirds, just thought you both should know, you guys are so cute together..

Jay: really? bro just get outta here will

hailey : just laughs at jay, babe dont be embarassed?
you love me.

jay: just stares into haileys eyes, and asks so did you want bacon on your burger? fries or no f
hailey: really jay, she laughs

jay: its a serious matter. he laughs

hailey: just give me a double with bacon, & truffle fries.

jay: rolls his eyes, you and your truffle fries.

hailey: you know like them as much as you love me..

jay: says nothing and kisses hailey on her forehead.
and hailey just blushes.

hank: jay you got a sec

jay: yeah sarge?

hank: hows hailey? better i hope, also got haileys kidnapper in custody.

jay: ill let her know, oh sarge im gonna stay with hailey at med
can you send burgess over.

Hank: anything you need, you got it! take all the time you need.

jay: thanks.

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