Jay&Hailey pick up on one of Erin's leads

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As jay and Hailey consider taking on one of Special Agent Lindsay's leads. Hailey has her concerns but jay seems determined to discover the truth behind all of this...

Hailey: Babe, I am not trying to pass any judgement on Erin, but I hope what we find or come across is worth our time and resources. I just have a bad feeling about  this. Hailey takes a deep breath

Jay: look I've got my concerns too, but I just want to get to the bottom this. As they arrive to check cameras and pod footage.

Jay: I'm detective Halstead, and this is my partner officer Upton.
You mean Detective Upton, Hailey laughs
Jay rolls his eyes, shit I meant to say that.
Pardon my language.

Hailey smacks jay upside the head.
So anything on that stash house, Jay asks,
Nothing out of the normal, officer replies
There has to be more? Jay wonders.

Ummm jay? Do you recognize this guy, Hailey asks?
Hell no? Jay scratches his head..
And from a distance Hailey notices Erin flashing her badge.
Special agent Lindsay I'm here to check my pod footage.
Umm you've been slacking, intelligence is already here.

As Erin stands their dumbfounded, and nervous.
Hailey nudges jay babe? Erin is here
The hell? Jay replies?
Hailey rolls her eyes and here we go?

Erin walks over, greets jay? So what the hell are you doing here jay?

Hailey nudges in I should be asking you that question, what are you doing here?
Erin replies sarcastically, "My job" I'm here to do my job.
I don't believe you some how. I just don't..

jay: that is enough, I'm sorry I just don't wanna break up a fight..

Hailey: babe just, never-mind. Let's get outta here.
Hailey gets up, and mumbles

Jay puts his arm around Hailey.
And lips Erin we will be in touch..
Erin rolls her eyes...

As Hailey and jay head back to the 21st, they head to their favorite coffee shop, to grab a cup since it's snowing.
By the time they are halfway their, the radio goes off,
This is 5021, emergency we need back up, taking heavy fire..

Babe, let's move as Hailey hands jay his vest.
5021 Henry. Hold us on that 10-1, plain clothes responding.
Copy that 5021 Henry.

As jay is 2 blocks out, he gets suspicious..
5021 George, 5021 Henry, notify any officer
we're on premise.
Copy that 5021 George, Will notify..
Hailey, you ready.. jay whispers.
Ready as I'll ever be, let's move.
Jay takes a deep breath as he usually does, grabs his weapon.
Hailey rolls her eyes, alright Rambo. Let's go
She laughs.

As they begin to move they end up getting fired upon.
10-1, 10-1, shots fired we need back up. Hailey stay down, if you need to move, stay low.
Hailey, SOB I can't get a shot. 5021 Henry we need back up,
Jay are you alright as bullets hit the car he's hiding behind.
I could be better, Jay radios Hailey.
As they wait for an opportunity to make or
Take a shot.
Jay radios Hailey, this sob is outta ammo, I'm coming towards you.
Hailey come on it's all clear.
Moving jay signals. 
as he's about ten feet away, a bullet grazes him.
Sob, as he hits the ground.

Hailey Screams, Jaaay! As she hears a rifle shot
Sob, 5021 Henry, officer down she cries, I repeat officer down I need an ambo, now!
Ambo in route.

5021 Eddie, to 5021 Henry.

Kim: it's me Hailey she radios, what the hell happen? Did you see the shooter. As she arrives on location, noticing jay is still on his back.
5021 Henry where's my ambo?

We're 4 minutes out, Brett radios
Copy that..

Kim: Hailey, are you ok?  Are you hit?
Hailey replies no I'm fine.. as she's shaken up after seeing jay get shot from a distance..

Voight: Kim, you got your ears on,
Kim: yes sarge?

Is Jay ok? Is Hailey ok? Hank asks.
5021 Gee-org-e jay radios, hails..burg if anyone can understand me, as he's trying to not bleed out.
And all Hailey can do is worry..

I can't go through this again.. as Hailey begins to cry.

Voight arrives on scene, and he notices jay is still on the ground.
This is 5021 emergency, I've got an officer down, I need that ambo here now!!
Copy that 5021..
Hailey are you ok? Take a deep breath jays gonna be alright.
Hailey trying to calm down, as she's holding her stomach.. sarge. I shouldn't of told him it was clear.
Hailey it's not your fault, jays gonna be fine.
As Hailey tries to calm down, she notices Erin,
And instead of a proper greeting.
She yells at Erin with anger, this is all on you
This is all on you..
we wouldn't be here in this mess, if not for your incompetence. You reading me you stupid fed,
As Hailey try's to stay calm..
Ambo 61 to 5021 Henry, it's Gabby.
Go for ambo 61 Hailey responds
Gabby: hails we got jay, he's stable get your ass here so we can rush him to med.
Copy that I'm on my way, Erin this isn't over between us..
whatever Erin replies..

As Hailey rushes to gabby..
Hank radios Brett.

Brett: hank, what's up

Hank: I cleared the streets for you to med
Get jay and Hailey to Will as soon as you can.
Copy that Sargent. Brett radios back.

As Hailey is holding jays hand. She whispers I shouldn't have had him move, I should of laid cover fire down..

Hailey you did great, you called us, jays gonna be fine, it's not your fault.

Hailey starts to cry...

Brett, gabby asks, whats our ETA?
Eta 3 minutes,

Gabby radios med, I need all available, GSW to the back..
he's one of our own..

Hailey says a prayer, upon arrival.
stay with me jay, hang in there, I'll be right here when you wake up, you hear me..

I love you babe.. I love you.

Natalie realizes that it's jay who's been shot, and she panics as well.

Tells Hailey, it's gonna be ok, Will is gonna take good care of him.

God help us, as Hailey takes off her Vest..

Natalie hugs Hailey, everything is gonna be alright.
I'll be here all night.

Hailey thank you.. as she tries to not cry.

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