pizza, laughs, and small talk after a long day.

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As jay hailey kim & adam race to see who gets to the pizza joint first)

Hailey: some search warrant we did, jay rolls his eyes babe can we not talk about this, we did our part, and our job its overwith, lets try and find a parking spot so we dont have to walk in the snow jay laughs.
hailey rolls over to kiss jay, as jay gets destracted, babe

i cant see over your shoulder, welp that was the curb hailey laughs.
maybe we can badge our way in, and we can park where ever we want.

hailey you got your radio on, its kim, we got a spot for you lovebirds...
appreciate it but were gonna walk, see you guys inside.
see you shortly..

As jay and hailey start to head across the street. she spots kim outside.

kim: adam got us table.

that quick hailey rolls her eyes.

kim replies our badges have some perks might as well use it

jay and hailey both laugh..

Adam: I grabbed us some beer Jay, and for Kim red wine.
Hailey? sparkling water with two limes?
Adam laughs, oh i forgot.
Jay: so how do we feel about what we did and what we took off the street?
Kim rolls her eyes, not trying to be rude, but did anyone notice how cool as a cucumber Erin was?
Hailey, well Kim I also had some suspicion, but she was doing her job..

Jay nods his head? Antipasti any one?
Fresh mozzarella is so damn good, pardon me
Hailey laughs, I can't take him anywhere..

Kim, can someone pass the bread.

Adam: wait a second someone pass me a fork.

Jay take mine. He laughs.

Hailey just continues to much on bread and olive oil,
I have a serious question, does pineapple belong on pizza?

pineapple? Jay laughs

I agree, as Adam laughs.

Kim replies depends if you want sweet or not

She laughs..

Hailey rolls her eyes.

as the server brings there food, you guys must of had a long day, and we hope you enjoy your meal detectives)
jay replies, we appreciate it, also can i get 6 cannolis.
hailey: and cheesecake if you have any.
right away, the server replies...

as the server brings back jay and haileys desserts, kim and adam are debating whos gonna pay the tab.
right of the bat jay just replies no worries ill take care of the bill.

as jay heads to the bar to pay, he looks up at the tv, and notices the local news is about to mention what was done downtown, the seizure of the product they took off rhe street.

jay rolls his eyes they better not mention intellgence,
and sure enough the local news mentions them.

Shit, i just hate when the news does that.
he sees hailey trying to hide her face, as well as kim, and adam is like, SOB why. just why.
and the bartender comes back, and is like so your part of that big bust.
yes as well as my fellow cops.

well congrats on a job well done, everything is on the house.

we thank you, and heres 200 bucks
for taking care of us.

appreciate that. the server shakes jays hand..

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