Jay and Erin team up, 1st time in 6 yrs.

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As the team all gear up for what seems to be a long night in the streets.

Erin notices jay assisting hailey with her vest, making sure shes got it on securely.

she rolls her eyes thinking to herself as shes putting rounds into her extra clips. in her mind jay used to do that for me everytime.
as she watches jay procede to hug hailey, and tells her to stay alert and stay sharp.

Erin, continues on, as jay begins to walk toward erin, and says so you good to go? he smirks.

Erin rolls her eyes sure im all set, just watch my back out their jay.

jay replies, no worries..

( As jay goes to grab his rifle, and fire up his truck, Erin follows right behind)

as hailey looks on, she doesnt like Erin' s body language, sensing  somethings not right and something is wrong..

as Erin hops into jays truck, trying to find a spot to put her radio down.
shes like, we have badge polish,lipstick,chapstick, coughdrops,water? beef jerky, and a jar of picklejuice?
cramps jay replies..
you actuallybelive that crap jay?
jay replies it saved my life after a big chase.
erin laughs..

(jays radio goes off)
Hailey: jay you got your ears on?

jay: go with your traffic.

hailey: put your earpiece in, i dont want her to hear this.

jay: whats going on?

Hailey: im getting some bad vibes on erin? i dont like how she is carrying herself, somethings off.

Jay: shes a fed, its gonna be fine. stay sharp.
love you. he says over the air..

Erin: does she know. this is only an operation we will be through sooner than later.

Jay, radios Hailey)

5021 Henry.. 

go for 5021 Henry,

Jay replies, anything on your side of the street?
Nothing yet,

Copy that 5021 Henry....

(As Burgess radios jay)
5021 Eddie, for 5021 George..

Go for 5021 George.

I've spotted what seems to be a stash house. And two suspects moving product in and out.

Should we move?

Jay replies, negative sit tight, and stay alert we're 3 blocks over..

5021 Henry head to Kim's location. Im 5 minutes out .

Stand by.

Copy that. Hailey responds.

Erin looks at jay, and says teamwork still exists doesn't it.

Jay, Erin what's bothering you ?
Nothing she replies.

Hailey radios jay.

Hailey: babe I'm at the location,

Stand by I'm 2 minutes out

Copy that jay...

Erin grabs her radio, but forgets what she was gonna say..
Jay: Erin you ok he asks?  You good to go?
Erin rolls her eyes, of course I'm good to go.

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