They move on the house..

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As the team await orders from Hank, Hailey and jay have a brief heart to heart moment.
Hailey: jay listen to me, I really don't trust this situation, something is just not right, I can feel it in my gut. Something is really fishy here.
Jay: Babe, trust me we're all gonna be fine, Erin is a fed, we can trust her. I mean she was my ex partner I trust her , and she wouldn't even think to double cross me.
Hailey replies: babe I hope your right, your not gonna like this but i am gonna say it anyway, you be careful, and watch your back.
Jay : I will and I love you now let's get this done, and pizza will be on me tonight he laughs.
Hailey hugs jay, sounds good.

As Erin looks from a distance. With a jealous eye.

Hank: alright guys I've got a DA in my pocket,
Adam,Kevin cover the side, burgess you Hailey cover the back,

As for me, jay & Erin will take the front door.
everyone stay sharp, let's get this done and everyone goes home tonight.

Copy that boss, they all draw there weapons.

Let's move..
jay takes a deep breath.
Erin says a quick prayer,
Breach on my command hank orders.

you ready Erin, jay stares Erin in the eye

And she gives him the thumbs up

Hank: Breach!

Chicago PD! search warrant.

Kim: sarge we got blood, and a body.

Jay: we got dope

Hailey: we got Money.

Adam: we got blood on the second floor.
Kim roll the crime lab.

Kim: 5021 Eddie, roll the crime lab to our location.

Hailey notices about 340k in cash

Jay: the hell would someone need all this

Erin: this is a front for washing cash..

Hank : hmm he smirks.

as hank evaluates the situation, as the team clears the house ,
he notices erin, and sees that something is bothering her, but cant quite put a finger on it.

Jay: house is clear, by the way blood on the second floor is where the incident started the victim was shot and carried down the stairs.
Anyway,  hailey and I are done,
gonna get a bite to eat. and go home.

hank replies alright, get the hell outta here.
by the way good work today. both of you..

ill deal with erin, so tell hailey there is nothing to worry about..

thanks sarge,  jay replies..

As jay puts his arm around hailey and procede to walk back to his truck, damn it! its snowing again, jay rolls his eyes.

hailey kisses jay on the cheek. and replies its cold, its winter time, and its chicago she laughs, by the way pizza?
jay laughs deep dish it is.

as hailey goes to rearrange all of her stuff in her side of jays truck.
Haileys radio goes off, dont panic, its Ruz he laughs
the hell do you want adam she laughs.

just wanted to know if you and jay wanted some company, kim is craving pizza as well, and its of course snowing like no ones business. and im sure were eating at the same place.

only the best in all of Chi-Town, so its a double date adam laughs.

alright  if  wanna tag along follow us.
hailey out..

jay so were doing a double date now he laughs and kisses haileys hand.

hailey blushes...

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