Rome, you were amazing, and ill never forget.

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As I am sitting on the patio looking out at Rome while munching on the remains of jays carbonara, reflecting on how far we have come, and how much we have grown to love and appreciate the Italians, there sense of charm, wonderful hospitality, but most of all how kind, and friendly these people were welcoming us as one of there own, minus the fact they continuously butchered Halstead.
I giggle it was funny but at the same time it was cute..
the last 4 days have been so amazing, I'll never forget.

The fact he proposed to me, was something I didn't see coming, i waited so long for him to make me his soon to be wife, and as I look at my rock, jay will always be my forever

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The fact he proposed to me, was something I didn't see coming, i waited so long for him to make me his soon to be wife, and as I look at my rock, jay will always be my forever.
He's made me feel so special, and has gone way and beyond to make me feel desired, loved , and have a sense of normalcy in my life. I will always love him.

Jays Synopsis:
As I'm getting ready, I look myself in the mirror damn I look good, but not as good looking as my fiancé who always looks so good in just about anything.

I just find it funny how we are both gonna leave Rome, looking cop-ish I laugh
Babe, can you come here a second?
Sure babe, she asks what's the matter as she walks into check on me..

I don't say a word and proceed to just deeply kiss her.
She blushes babe?

I kiss her again and run my hands up her vest..
She giggles your hands are so cold.
So is everything all set before we head down to check out?
Yes babe she giggles, all set.

Alright I'll be out in a few minutes.

as we finally prepair to bid farewell to this amazing suite, the views, great friendly staff as well as the great hospitality,
we considered a big tip, as well leaving them CPD challenge coins.
as our way of saying thank you..

Hotel staff:
Good Morning Mr and Mrs Hal-steee-D
we both smile good morning, coming off the elevator,
did you both enjoy your stay? they ask.
absolutely, make sure you save us that suite, when we decide to return, for an aniversary, or something.
not a problem, we would love to have you both back,
also as a parting gift, we would love to ship you some of our beloved carbonara, as well as our canolis as well as your beloved chocolate strawberries.
we would love that.. we so appreciate that.
and you guys are all set, stay safe, and give america our love.. officers..
we sure will thank you for everything..

we left a few gifts for you all in the room..

Haileys Snynopsis:
god these people were so amazingly charming, i am gonna miss this, the greetings, the butchering of his last name, most of all the view, the sunrises, the sunsets.most importantly that amazing bathroom
i giggle and blush,
while staring at jays butt..

he looks at me, while staring at my chest.
babe what are you looking at i ask?

im looking at a very hot blonde,
who looks sexy in her tactical gear..

i blush and kiss him, as he grabs my ass then he puts his hands up my vest.
babe were in public as i try not to get aroused.

he blushes, babe my hands are cold.

i roll my eyes, you just wanna grab me.
I was trying to warm up, my hands
oi vey... I giggle.

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