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Two Days until PAX East 2014

Living with my older brother Mark was probably one of the best choices I could have ever made. He moved out to LA and invited me to come with him, which our mom was definitely concerned about but he promised to take care of me and she caved. I didn't have much back in Cincinnati, give or take a couple of fake friends, so I took the opportunity and found myself transferring schools and making my way out to LA to help my brother pursue his career. It wasn't that big of an adjustment, since Mark and I had always gotten along as kids. The only thing that got to me was the time difference, which took a bit to fix my sleeping schedule. Once I moved in, the transition was smooth, and I started appearing in Mark's videos more and more since I was readily available and didn't have to catch a ride to his apartment. I missed my mom, don't get me wrong, but I definitely did not miss Ohio.

It was early on an April morning when Mark barged into my bedroom, practically screaming at me to wake up as he told me to start packing for Pax East, since I was going to be a part of his panel. Usually I wouldn't be mad if he woke me up, but he happened to wake me up at 7am today and I need at least eight hours of sleep to function like a normal human being.


"Y/N let's go! We're leaving today and you're not packed at all!" he bounced on his knees like a child. "Séan's gonna be-"

"Say no more, I'm packing now."

Séan became a father figure to me from the moment I met him. Despite the time difference, we try to talk for at least a few hours every day. He gives me the fatherly advice that every girl needs in their life, and helps me through a lot of my issues. I'm really grateful for him, and every moment we have together is one that I can't turn down.

I also kinda have to go with Mark since our mom doesn't want me staying alone in LA yet but that's not the point.

Any time I get to see the gang who I've dubbed as the "Plier-Gang", it's a fun time. It consists of me, Mark, Séan, Tyler and Mark's old college friends Bob and Wade. They all took me under their arm from the moment I moved in with Mark, and treated me like the little sister they never had. Especially Tyler. Tyler was the person in the group who was the most like a brother to me and did all the things a brother should do when Mark was busy. Of course, Mark did all that but Tyler was like my other brother from another mother, if that makes any sense. Bob and Wade were pretty much my brothers as well, but the chill ones. They basically watched over me when Mark couldn't, and it was pretty much like I was part of their little found family at this point. It was sweet.

I stood in front of my closet, trying to figure out what the hell to bring. I knew it was in Boston, which typically was cooler than LA this time of year. Thankfully I had some of his sweatshirts he and Séan had let me "borrow", and a few pairs of skinny jeans I could bring. Séan knew I would never be giving his sweatshirts back, mainly because I didn't have an income at the moment and I'd miss them too much. Mark on the other hand had the tendency to barge into my room at any given moment despite the fact that I was 17 and needed privacy, and take back his sweatshirts whenever he wanted to. It was something I had gotten used to at this point, but it still annoyed me sometimes. Especially when it came to me having people over for school projects and whatnot.

I quickly folded my clothes and threw them into my suitcase, shuffling down the hall to the bathroom to do my morning routine and grab my bathroom stuff for when we got to the hotel. Mark insisted on being there a day or two early, mainly because he wanted a day to hang out with the boys. Which I didn't mind, I liked hanging out with the boys as well. I just tended to procrastinate til the last minute and end up packing mere hours before we had to leave. Which was the exact position I found myself in as I tried to figure out what I needed to bring with me. Mascara obviously, and my foundation and concealer, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste... probably my skincare stuff as well. Just the basics. I didn't really do much in terms of makeup, just enough to cover up my blemishes and even out my skin color. I wasn't super big into those big flashy looks that some people did with makeup- as long as I looked decent to go outside, then I was good to go.

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