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Three Days before PAX East 2015, April

tw; talking about sex

Mark and I landed in Boston and met up with Séan, practically following the exact same schedule we did last year. Except this year was different- I was rooming with Ethan. Well, kind of. Our rooms were connected, so Mark and Séan could barge in at any given moment but we got some alone space. Ethan was flying in tomorrow, so I knew I could take tonight to plan what I was wearing over the next few days and especially on Friday, which was our friend-aversary. I opened my suitcase and pulled out my clothes, laying out a few different outfits and laying them out on the bed that Ethan and I weren't going to be using. I had bought a bunch of different shirts and shorts, and even the dress I wore on New Years. I was planning on wearing it when Mark, Séan and I were going to be doing a photo-op, which I just got word of the other day. I figured I should look at least semi-decent for it, and this was the only decent looking dress I had that wasn't too fancy for this event, so I figured it would be the best bet. It also helped that the photo op day fell on Friday, so I could wear it for our friend-aversary as well. I paired a few different outfit options together, making sure to look at the schedule to make sure everything was going to work out right. I didn't want to wear an outfit I'd be uncomfortable in, since I'd be on my feet like pretty much all day over the next week.

I finally finished figuring out all my outfits when I heard a knock on the door. Which was weird, since the door connecting our rooms was open. I didn't hear either of the boys coming over so I made my way to the front door. I opened it, gasping in surprise as I saw Ethan standing in the doorframe.


"Ethan!" I jumped into his arms, digging my head into the crook of his neck. "You're not supposed to be here until tomorrow!"


I pulled him into the room and brought him in for a big kiss, wrapping my arms around him as tight as I could without hurting him. I faintly heard Mark and Séan laughing in the background and threw up a middle finger, silently telling them to leave or there'd be hell to pay. We stood there for a few minutes before I helped him bring his suitcase and stuff into the room, both of us jumping onto the bed and automatically starting to catch up on the past few days. I found myself in his lap, playing with his hoodie strings as we talked.

"Yeah, my mom said it was okay for me to come down today. She's coming tomorrow with Andrew, but she knows I'm going to be with you."

"That's good. Because she's not getting you back until next week." I chuckled. "God, I missed you."

"I missed you too. So much."

There was a light knock on the doorframe and we both turned to face Séan. "Hey, Mark and I are going to go meet the boys and Mandy for dinner, you guys wanna come?"

"Nah, we're just gonna chill if that's okay?" Séan nodded. "Cool. We'll see you later?"

"Yup." Séan shut the door behind him and I turned back to Ethan. "Are you good with room service tonight? Unless you want something different."

"No, room service sounds good. Unless you had a different idea." Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, we don't have to but if you want to try... I think I'm ready."

"I don't want to do anything if you don't think you're 100% ready, babe. Thinking you're ready is different than being ready."

"Maybe not going inside? If that's okay? I'm not ready for that yet." I bit my lip. "Like I said we don't have to but-"

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