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At 9:05am, the cries of our daughter were heard throughout the room, and I collapsed back on the bed. My body finally started relaxing, and I barely registered anything that was happening around me as I looked down at our daughter in my arms. Nurses came in and out of the room for a few hours after, mainly so they could make sure I was doing okay and then take our girl for all her tests and stuff they had to do. I wasn't gonna lie, I had no idea what they were doing with her, and all I knew was that I got a few minutes to close my eyes. Nobody told me how hard it was going to be to birth a whole human. I was woken up a few hours later by a lactation consultant who had come into the room since it was time to feed our daughter for the first time.

Looking down at her, I felt as if the name we chose for her wasn't enough. It wasn't... her. Yes, Hope was a pretty name, but I felt like our daughter needed more than just Hope. She didn't look like a Hope, if I were being honest. She looked more like...


"Huh?" Mark, Ethan and Amy looked over to the bed from their spot across the room.

I blinked a few times, whispering, "I wanna name her Elizabeth."

"You don't want to name her Hope anymore?"

"That can be the middle name." I looked over to Ethan as he walked over. "She looks like an Elizabeth."

Ethan studied her for a second. "You know what, she does. She does look like an Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth Hope Nestor-Fishbach. I like it."



I looked over to Mark, beckoning him to come closer. "Mark, meet your niece, Elizabeth Hope Nestor-Fishbach."

Since she was done feeding, I let Ethan put Elizabeth into his arms, blindly searching around for my phone before realizing at some point I had thrown it on the floor. Ethan gave it to me and I took a picture, smiling as Amy came over to look around Mark's shoulder. I snapped another picture of the two of them and sent it in the family group chat, which consisted of all of Ethan's family, my family and Amy. When that group chat finally calmed down and she was back in my arms, I took to twitter to post a picture of her little hand curled around my pointer finger.

@y/niplier: she's here.

Within minutes the tweet had blown up and I had to put my phone on Do Not Disturb so I could make sure the vibrations didn't wake Elizabeth up. Ethan was taking care of updating the group chat along with Mark and Amy, the three of them sitting to the side while a nurse came in to talk to me about recovery stuff. She said they wanted to keep us overnight, but that we most likely could be released in the morning. There were a few more things they needed to do with Elizabeth, which made sense. I also apparently needed to be monitored to make sure the bleeding from whatever I tore down there stopped, and to make sure I didn't need stitches. They'd be checking that later, apparently. Mark and Amy left around six, saying they'd leave us be and let us spend some time with Elizabeth. Soon as the door closed Ethan took off his shirt and took Elizabeth into his arms for some skin to skin contact, letting me take a nap. I probably got a good two hours in before she started crying, taking her back so I could give her some milk.



"Mika's mad at you."

"Oh, tell her my phone's on Do Not Disturb."

"I did."

"Tell her I have my boobs out and can't Facetime her."

"I did. She doesn't care."

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