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We got back to LA about three days later, and the first thing we did was sleep for about a day and a half. I could tell Ethan needed it, and I currently had so many videos queued up I didn't have to worry about filming for a few weeks. Did I plan that out? No, actually, I didn't. But somehow it worked out perfectly so I could spend some time with Ethan before we had to go back into the Youtube stuff.

I was quite excited about the prospect of getting a house, but part of me was also terrified. I hadn't lived in LA by myself, so the thought of not being with Mark definitely was... not exactly terrifying but scary enough to be at the forefront of my mind. I had relied on him pretty much since I moved here, and now that I had the possibility of leaving and being partly on my own, I wasn't super sure I was ready. I knew deep down I needed to get my own place, but at the same time, I didn't want to leave Mark like that.

I also had Ethan to think about. I didn't know how to tell him that "hey, I'm looking at getting a house, and you're more than welcome to, you know, stay with us!". Were we even at that point in our relationship yet? I hadn't ever had to think about this, and the fact that I now had a boyfriend to think about on top of all the house things had started to make me feel like I was going around in circles. On one hand, we had been together for almost a year, and we were both adults, so he could stay over and it wouldn't be a problem. But on the other hand, it could be weird if he ended up staying over since we hadn't been together for a year yet. In the long run it probably wouldn't matter, but it had gotten to the point where I was in a tizzy. What would happen if this put a dent in our relationship? That was probably why I hadn't told him yet, and how I found myself trying to figure out how to tell him the morning of the house tour that I was going to go look at a townhouse today.

I placed a small kiss on the top of his head as I crawled out from under the covers, sneaking out of the room and into the kitchen. Kathryn was coming over today so we could figure out which place we were going to rent, and to officially meet Ethan since she had only heard all the stories I had told about him. As I walked into the kitchen, Mika's name flashed on my screen and I smiled, clicking the accept button.

"You're up early."

"It's 2pm."

"My point exactly." I chuckled, opening the fridge. "Want some leftover Jack in the Box?"

"Nah, I just ate. Anyway I'm bored."

"Hi bored, I'm Y/N."

"I hate you." Mika struggled to hide her smile. "So for the girls trip, I'm packing and I literally forgot everything we're doing. I know I need a swimsuit but like what else do I need?"

I shoved my leftovers into the microwave. "Um, I'd say maybe some good walking shoes and maybe Cards Against Humanity?"

"Alright, bet."

"Who's on the phone?" Ethan shuffled into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around my waist.


"Hey Ethan."

"Hey Mika."

"How's Mark treating you?"

"Better than PAX, that's for sure." Ethan smiled. "Did Y/N tell you about that?"

"How he thought you were going to manipulate her into sex because that's what her toxic ex did? I know the jist of it."

"That'll be a story to tell the masses someday. Brother tried to break up my relationship, not clickbait!"

"I can hear the headline now, Mark Fishbach hurts little sister's feelings by insinuating her boyfriend wasn't good enough for her!"

"That is so not what happened." Mark chuckled as he walked into the room. "Hi Mika."

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