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"Amy- I'm pregnant."

I could barely believe it as I stared at the little lines, my hands sweating like there was no tomorrow.

"Are you okay?"

"I- I'm pregnant." I looked up at her. "I'm pregnant!"

I let a laugh fall from my mouth and ran my hands through my hair, disbelief written on my face.

"I didn't think- we- Amy, I'm gonna be a mom!"

She brought me in for a hug and we stood there for a minute, basking in the happiness. "I call being the aunt who takes them out for ice cream every weekend."

"You're gonna have to fight Maddie and Emma for that position." I chuckled. "Oh god, how am I gonna tell ethan? What am I gonna- we share an amazon. I can't order anything. I- I gotta find an OB I-"

"Hey. we'll take care of it, one step at a time." Amy smiled. "We'll start with the OB and then we'll go from there, yeah?"


Amy left a few hours before Ethan got home, which left me with some time to figure out how to tell him. I decided to tell him first before scheduling the OB appointment, mainly because I wanted him there with me. I mean, it is our child we're talking about. I smiled at Luna curled up in her bed with her stuffed lambchop as I made some of Ethan's favorite food in the kitchen, standing over the stove as the asparagus cooked. At this point, he'd be home any minute and I could feel the nerves kicking in. As if on cue, the keys jingled and the garage door opened, Ethan walking through the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Mm, smells delicious. what's the occasion?" he placed a kiss on my cheek

"What, I can't make dinner for my husband?"

"I was just wondering. Where's the girl?"

"On her bed."

I grabbed the plates from the cabinet, realizing he hadn't even noticed the test sitting out on the table yet. I put everything out and bought the food over, letting him know it was ready as I sat. I felt the nerves kicking in again and I started bouncing my leg in an effort to distract myself.

"How'd it go?"

"It went good, we got a lot of stuff done today." he put some pasta on his plate. "Are you okay?" Ethan looked me dead in the eye. "You seem nervous."

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed it yet."

"Noticed what?" he started looking around. "What did you do?"

"It's more of what did we do, but uh... look on the table."

Ethan looked at me quizzically before he looked down, finally noticing the test. His eyes lit up and the biggest smile I've ever seen appeared on his face, and happy tears started falling. He didn't say anything, simply getting up and running around the table to pick me up and bring me in for a hug.

"I- when?"

"A few hours ago. Amy bought it for me."

"Does Mark know? Do our parents know?"

"Just you and Amy right now."

"Baby I- oh my god. you're pregnant! That's our child!"

"I know."

"We're gonna have a baby."

"I know."

"Mark's gonna kick my ass."

"I know."

"Have you made an appointment yet?"

"No, I wanted you to be there with me." I sighed, grabbing his hand. "I wanted you to do all the firsts with me."

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