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Mark's project sounded super intriguing, so we of course said yes. March rolled around and everyone was getting ready to film, Ethan and I included. Most of the time I'd be getting behind the scenes footage like his last project, but this time I had a speaking role. I was going to be playing the warden, which I was super excited about. Ethan and I decided to leave our wedding rings at home, setting them in a basket on our counter so nobody would be suspicious that we're both wearing wedding rings. While we totally could have written it into our characters' backstories, both of us decided against it because goddamn our fans are ruthless.

We got to the location around seven am, which ended up being in a prison. I grabbed the camera from Mark and started filming B-Roll, since my portion of the filming day wasn't going to be for a while. Most of what was happening right now was set up anyway, so I figured I had time to go to the bathroom. As I walked into the bathroom I happened to spot myself in the mirror, realizing how fucking bloated I looked. I mean, we did eat Chinese takeout last night so that makes sense. I pulled my sweatpants up a little bit higher, going into one of the stalls farthest away from the doors and sitting down, sighing in annoyance when I realized that yet again, I spent money on tampons I probably wouldn't be needing this month.

Wait. What?

I shook my head, thinking I was just going crazy. Maybe all the lack of sleep from making sure Mark wasn't going crazy was getting to me. I flushed and went out to wash my hands, running into one of the crew members at the sinks. I was so glad I was still in my pajamas, because goddamn did I look like I gained five pounds overnight. It was probably the lo mein, if I were being honest. Around nine was when the cast and extras started filing in, making it a lot easier to get B-Roll now that people were showing up. I made sure my sweatpants stayed up throughout the day, hoping that Mark was going to be putting me in a blouse that wouldn't show my bloating. I was sitting off to the side when Tyler came up to me, nudging my shoulder.

"You good?"

"Yeah, just a lil nervous. And bloated." at his confusion, I sighed. "We had chinese last night."

"Ah. That makes sense. Do you wanna switch filming duties for now? So you can go get into costuming and shit? I think Mark mentioned you didn't have an outfit yet."

"Yeah, that'd probably be best."

I made my way over to the little room we were using as a makeshift costuming room, smiling at Amy as she was going through the shirts with Robert. I decided on wearing a nice white blouse underneath a tan suit, with matching pants to go with it. I ended up rubber-banding the pants in the back to make sure they stayed up since they were a size too big, but other than that the outfit was perfect. I put it on a hanger with my name and made my way back out, finding something to help with. Around one we finally started filming the Warden part, and I got into my costume and into position, going over the scene with Mark. Tyler was filming us fucking around a bit too, which was gonna be fun for the blooper reel. 

We got our scene done within an hour, which is record timing for us considering half the time we're on screen together it's just us bouncing off each other's energy. I changed back into my jammies and continued to get B-Roll, figuring I wasn't gonna be in any other scenes today.

That was, until someone bought up the idea of doing a fucking musical number.

Thankfully, I was just gonna appear in one small part and was sitting down, so I was able to keep my sweatpants on and just throw the top back on. I still looked super bloated, so I was grateful that I was gonna be sitting. We took about ten different takes of the opening of the musical number before I grabbed the B-Roll camera and went over to Mark during a scene change and he was still in his Yancy get up.

"Hi Mark."

"Hi Y/N."

"Who ya dressed as right now?"

"Uh, Yancy." He looked down at his costume. "He's a little prison boy."

"Just a little prison boy?"

Mark nodded. "Yes. A little prison boy."

"How many times a week do you think he has to see the Warden?"

"Um, maybe one? Once a week? So they can play chess together? I dunno."

I went around the cast next, asking the same question. I got a variety of different answers, so I knew whoever was editing the behind the scenes was gonna have fun mushing it all together. Ethan and I got dismissed around four, considering we had to go pick Luna up, and only Ethan was called back tomorrow which meant I got the day off. Which was nice. I had enough videos filmed so I didn't have to worry about that, so I probably was just going to relax tomorrow. And maybe try to figure out why I've been so bloated. I made myself a small salad for dinner, figuring that the Chinese was the reason my body was reacting in the way it was. It wasn't until around eight that I realized Luna hadn't left my side all night, which was super weird considering that she would do a lot of independent play when Ethan and I were in the room. I shrugged it off, mainly thinking that she just missed me.

The next morning I woke up a few hours after Ethan had left, and was scrolling through my phone when I got a notification I wasn't expecting at all. My period tracking app told me I missed two periods. That couldn't be, right? There was no way. I spent the next three hours going over everything we had done over the past few months, trying to figure out where we could have slipped up. Was there a night we didn't use protection? Luna was by my side the whole time, taking what seemed to be like a protective stance by me in between stints of her nudging me to calm me down. Ethan and I hadn't planned on kids yet- we hadn't even had the talk! I mean it's come up in conversation but we had never actually talked between the two of us about having kids. I wasn't going to lie, I was terrified. What would Ethan think? What would Mark think? Was I even ready for kids yet? We hadn't even been married for that long!

I finally grabbed my phone and called the one person I knew I could talk to about this, biting at my thumb anxiously as I waited for her to answer.


"Amy I- I'm freaking out. I uh... is Mark by you?"

"Hold on." I heard some shuffling and a muffled 'i'll be right back' before Amy spoke again, concern lacing her voice. "What's wrong?"

"I've missed two periods. I don't know what to do." 

It took her a second. "Oh-"

"We haven't even talked about it yet Ames, I literally don't know what to do and I'm freaking out."

"Okay um, give me like half an hour. Do you need me to pick anything up?"

"Could you get a test or two? Please? I'll venmo you and say we got coffee or something on your lunch break. I don't want Ethan to see it on the card."

"Yeah of course, I'll be there soon."

Within forty minutes Amy showed up at the door, CVS bag in her hand. She gave me a giant hug before we made our way to the bathroom, her turning around while I peed on the stick. I set it facedown on the counter and set a timer, wringing my hands together as I sat on the edge of the tub. Luna stuck her snout in between my hands and placed her head on my lap so I would pet her instead of messing with my hands. I placed a small kiss on the top of her head and started giving her scratches, knowing I needed the distraction. My breathing picked up a tiny bit as I started thinking about the test sitting on the counter, and Amy grabbed one of my hands.

"Y/N, breathe."

"Amy, I'm so scared. What will Ethan think? What will Mark think?"

"Hey," Amy put her hands on my shoulders. "Ethan loves you to bits. I'm sure he's going to be over the moon. Mark's going to be happy either way."

"Are you sure?" I raised my eyebrows. "I don't want it to be a repeat of 2015."

"I'll personally cut his dick off if he acts like that."

Before we could get another word out, the timer went off. Letting out a shaky breath, I grabbed Amy's hand and with my free one flipped over the test.

"Oh my God-"

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