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Christmas 2014, LA

Before I knew it, Christmas time had rolled around. Ethan and I were getting ready to celebrate our four month anniversary, which happened to be a week before Christmas. I knew this was going to be a fun time of year, since I had gotten him what I thought was the best gift around. I made him a collage blanket with pictures of us all over it, as well as a couple of Harry Potter themed things. His present had arrived the other day, and it sat underneath the tiny Christmas tree that Mark and I had bought, ready to be opened. Mark also had met a wonderful girl named Amy, and she had been spending a lot of time with us. I felt like I knew her from somewhere, but I couldn't place my finger on exactly where I met her. Either way, I could tell Mark liked her, and was doing everything in his power to get her to like him back.

I sat out on the balcony, a cup of coffee in my hand as I watched the sunrise. I had decided to do it today simply because I wanted to, and because we were planning on filming today. I wasn't going to be there the whole time since I had my own stuff to film, but I knew Mark wanted to film a video or two with me. The funny thing was, he hadn't told me anything about how today was going to go. I was quite confused, but at this point I was quite used to Mark's shenanigans so I knew I probably shouldn't think too much into it. I heard the door slide open and Mark came to stand next to me, pulling over one of the empty chairs.

"I didn't expect to see you out here this early."

"I wanted to watch the sun rise." I shrugged. "Haven't done it since we first moved here."

He smiled. "You were so cranky at me when I forced you to stay up all night to watch the sunrise with me."

"Yeah, because I wanted to sleep and you weren't letting me."

"It was all worth it though." he nudged my shoulder. "In all seriousness, you good?"

"Just... thinking." I sighed. "I miss Eth."

"I know."

"I wish he could be here with us, celebrating Christmas. Meeting mom."

"You really like him, don't you?" Mark looked over to me.

"I mean, yeah. Isn't that obvious?"

"You never wanted Kyle to meet mom. Despite how many times she asked."

"Well, Kyle was a dick so..." I sipped my coffee. "And besides, mom would have thought he was the worst person in the world if she even took one look at him."

"You don't know that."

I raised my eyebrows. "Mark."

"Okay fine. You're right."

"I just- I don't want to mess this up. None of my relationships prior to Kyle ever lasted more than three months. What if I do something wrong and he ends up hating me?"

"Y/N, nobody could hate you." Mark gave me his signature look. "He's completely infatuated with you. I've seen the way he acts when you two are on the phone. And from what I heard about the Maine trip a few months ago, he'd bend over backwards just to make you smile."

"He definitely did." I smiled to myself. "I just don't want to mess this up."

"You won't. I think you two are going to make it."

"Are you telling this to me, or are you convincing yourself that you and Amy are going to work out?"

"I- what- no!" Mark stammered. "I mean... okay, maybe a little."

"Please Mark, she looks at you the same way Ethan looks at me. I'd say go for it."

"You think so?"

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