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A/N: for story purposes, imagine Ethan's townhouse that he moved into before his current house as the house Y/N and Kathryn live in... it'll come into play later I promise

Kathryn and I had finally found the perfect little townhouse, and we had just finished moving in. Well, most of the way. I stood in front of the desk that I was going to set my pc up on, staring it down and waiting for it to give me ideas on where to put it in my room. I was going to keep a similar set up to what I had in Mark's apartment, since I had about the same size room. That way, there were only slight changes that only the super spy fans would notice. Which was about three quarters of the fanbase but... I digress.

Anyway, the one thing that was stumping me was how to set up my desk. I had the same little corner desk that I had back in Mark's place but I wanted to switch it up a bit, and it was proving to be harder than I had anticipated. There were only so many formations I could put my computer in, and all of them weren't doing it for me. I groaned and sat back on my bed, running my fingers through my hair before I grabbed my phone. I scrolled aimlessly through twitter for a little bit before I saw a tweet that caught my eye. It was a picture of Mika, Ethan and I during girls week, which Mika had tweeted from her account, but there was a circle to emphasize how Ethan and Mika were sitting close to each other and I wasn't as close to Ethan. But there was an explanation for that- in the picture, I clearly had a freshly made s'more in my hand, and I was blurry because I literally had slid into the seat as Emma was taking the picture. I scrolled through the thread a bit more, chuckling to myself as I decided to reply.

@crnkgrumpypants: therefore i think mika and ethan are actually the ones who are dating and no, i'm not just saying this to manifest it.

@ynipliper : hate to break it to ya but ethan is most definitely my boyfriend :) can confirmeverything about the day he asked me out. i'm making a video on it!

I automatically rolled over onto my stomach and FaceTimed Ethan, anxiously waiting for him to answer. I knew he shouldn't be super busy at the moment, since he wasn't going to school and focusing on youtube this year.

"Hey babe."

"Did you see that fans are theorizing I'm your beard and you're actually dating Mika?"

Ethan choked on his water. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I just replied to one of the tweets and basically confirmed I'm making a video about it, so now I have to make a video about the past year."

"But why do people think I'm dating Meeks? I love her, but as a friend."

"I know you do, Eth, but this one particular twitter user is quote "manifesting it" so I'm guessing they really want you two to date."

"No offense to Mika, but ew."

I chuckled. "I'm gonna be honest, I don't see you with Mika. I see you with me."

"That's 'cuz I am with you."

"Exactly my point. Except you're not with me right now."

"You'll be coming soon though, right?"

"Two weeks. I'll be there as soon as I can. I just have to finish this one project I'm working on."

"Can you tell me what it is yet?"

"No, Mark won't let me."

Little did Ethan know, I was helping Mark plan this big thing he wanted to do called  A Date With Markiplier. He had estimated we would be done storyboarding and everything in two weeks and then he would be able to start figuring out how to put it into a video, which was what I was most excited about. Because I totally didn't put in a spot for Ethan to cameo. Nope.

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