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The night of the first show arrived, and I now know what people meant by pre-show nerves. I felt like I had to pee every five seconds, even though I didn't. I stood backstage as Mark did his intro, watching the boys go through the opening motions with him. We had adjusted it slightly so I would be the one to throw his clothes at him instead of Ethan, which we thought would be a bit funnier. I walked out onto stage as the audience started cheering, throwing his clothes at him and going to stand over next to Ethan. He wrapped his arm around me once he finished stripping, the two of us shimmying to go stand over by Bob, Tyler and Wade.

"And now we welcome to the stage, Ethan, Y/N, Bob, Tyler and Wade!"

The screams seemed to amplify as we all waved hello, and I couldn't help but let a giant smile form on my face as I stared out at the audience. It was wild that everyone was here to see us, and chose to hang out with us on a random Tuesday night. We all scrambled to pick up the shit that we had thrown on the stage, rushing off in different directions as decided by us at the moment. I ended up next to Tyler, and we watched from the wings as Bob and Mark went through the little opening spiel. I helped him get into his opening number outfit, guiding him to the opening in the curtain when it was time. I grabbed my water bottle from one of the stage hands and took a sip as I waited for the version of the show to be picked so I could get ready for the bit that we had put in.

"You can't be trusted, I can't be trusted, for some reason they can't be trusted... is there one single person in this place that can be trusted?"


"I don't know, Bob, is there anyone here?"


"Do you hear something?"

"I don't know, did you guys hear something?" The crowd went wild as I stepped out. "Oh, it's you."

"Oh it's you." I mocked. "I deem myself the most trustworthy and unbiased judge and by the power invested in me, I chose this--"

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're not unbiased."

"Amy says I am, so..." I shrugged as the audience laughed. "Therefore I get to pick."

"I mean, Amy's never wrong." Bob pointed out. "So I guess Y/N should get to pick."

"Which show do you want to do? The way you get to do it is by killing the one you don't want"

I honestly had no idea which show I was going to pick, and I think that was the best part about how Mark set up the show. I took the very fake sword from Bob and started going for the box closest to him, ushering them off the stage and ran back out.

"Hah hah, my choice won in the end, you're dumb and stupid."

I rolled my eyes. "Mark, stop acting like you're five."

"I'm not acting like I'm five!"

"Mmm, yeah you are." I very dramatically rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, that was very nice of you to help us, Y/N, let's see what's in the case."

Bob opened up the case and it ended up being Sci-Fi, which the crowd was excited for. I had a feeling they were just excited in general, but the reaction was cute. I helped the boys clean off the stage and got ready for my nice ten minute break, where I could finally run back to the bathroom and make sure I didn't actually have to pee. A few improv games later it was finally time for the dance battle, and I got shoved on stage with Ethan. We definitely did not rehearse this earlier but okay I guess. This was for sure going to be interesting, and I didn't know how it was going to pan out. Ethan and I danced out onto stage, playing into the fake rivalry. We went through the usual little spat and moved onto the picking of the dancers' spiel, bringing them up on stage.

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