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Day One of PAX East- Friday Morning

Mark set an alarm for nice and early Friday morning, shoving me into the shower first since apparently I took the shortest amount of time to get ready. I pulled on one of the outfits that I had bought yesterday, throwing my hair into a bun and pulling a few strands out to frame my face. I figured I should make myself look more decent today, so I added a bit of eyeliner to my look. When I dubbed myself as ready, I let Mark go into the bathroom and ran down to get some breakfast. I grabbed a bagel, making sure to grab something for Mark and Séan since I knew they would be rushing around to get ready. I hadn't heard anything from Ethan yet, but it was also seven thirty so I figured he was still sleeping.

I left the bagels I grabbed for Mark and Séan on top of the dresser as I plopped myself down on the bed, munching at mine as I scrolled through my social media. I watched amusedly as the two of them ran around the room, trying to find everything they needed. I held up their PAX passes, smiling at them as they both sighed in relief, taking them from me and grabbing their bagels before we walked to the elevator. We made it to the convention center around nine, which worked because Mark's first panel started at ten thirty and we needed to find the room we were going to be in and everything.

We made our way over to the room we were supposed to be in, taking the back hallways since none of us really wanted to deal with fans at the moment, since we were coffee less. Bob was bringing us all Starbucks, so we skipped out on the hotel coffee this morning. I saw the top of Tyler's head in the distance and started walking faster, waiting for him to turn around so I could pounce on his back. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, laughing evilly as he flailed around. Thankfully, Wade caught this on camera so I knew it would be going in the vlog. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I dropped myself off of Tyler's back and grabbed it, hoping to see Ethan's name on my screen.

[9:07am - ethan] hey!! i totally just woke up :((

I smiled, stepping off to the side to text him back.

[9:08am] you're fine, dw! i've been watching my brother run around like a chicken with his head cut off

"Ethan?" Séan came to stand next to me, lightly nudging my shoulder.


"Don't let Mark see you smiling like that."

"I know. I stepped off to the side for a reason."

"Y/N, get over here!" Mark came over, barely giving me time to put my phone away. "Bob's here with the coffee."


Séan and I walked over to the gang, grabbing our respected coffees and standing out of the way as we talked over what was going on in the panel today. This first one I wasn't going to be in, since it was a panel for just Mark and Séan and a couple other gaming youtubers, so I knew I could sneak off to see Ethan when he got here. Bob, Tyler and Wade decided to hang out backstage and I said I was going to go walk around for a bit, hoping that I'd be able to run into Ethan before the panel. I had enough money to buy a couple of cute small things from vendors, and grabbed something for the gang as well. I took a couple of pictures with people and finally around nine forty I saw Ethan, who hadn't noticed me yet. I shot him a text and waited for him to turn around, smiling as he came over to me.

"Hey! How long have you guys been here?"

"Just about an hour or so." I shrugged nonchalantly. "My brother went to the D&D panel that's going on right now and said I could walk around for a bit. Still in the air about the Markiplier and Friends panel, though." I sighed. I should probably tell him, right?

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