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Four months had passed since I had last seen Ethan, and I almost had enough to take a trip up to Maine. I had been saving up as much money as I could after I paid off my credit card bill, and since my family was still giving me money I was able to put it aside. I also started making money off of my videos, so I had that coming in as well. Life was going good. I didn't expect any of this to happen, but it was going good and I was happy.

Mark opened my door bright and early, plopping himself on my bed next to me.


"It's literally seven in the morning." I shoved my face into my pillow, groaning. "Why do you constantly do this to me?"

"Because we got stuff to do! We're filming a collab series today! Well, after I finish filming SCP but still."

"Okay but I could have at least had another hour of sleep."

"Nope." he smiled proudly at me. "Come on, coffee's already brewing and I got all your stuff in my room set up for you to play with me."

"Are we playing a horror game?"

"Do you expect anything else?"

"Jesus Christ, Mark."

I rolled out of bed and decided to just get dressed from the bottom up since I was going to be sitting down pretty much the whole video, and ended up throwing on one of Séan's hoodies that I knew his fans would notice. I did my usual light makeup and made my way to Mark's recording room, plopping myself down on the gaming chair I had recently gotten, pulling out my phone and tweeting about it.

@y/niplier : send help. mark's making me play a horror game but he won't tell me which one. i am: scared. it's 7:30am. i'm not awake enough for this.

Mark walked in and got all settled, pulling up the first game. I had heard him playing this in the past and from what I've seen on twitter... it was horrifying. I put on my headphones and sat back, waiting for him to load up the game and start his intro.

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome ba-ack to Containment Breach." he looked to me, then back at the camera. "Now, on the other side of this door is no no no no no no!"

I automatically reacted, recoiling in my seat a little bit as I heard weird noises. My first instinct was to rip my headphones off my head, but it was literally the first ten seconds of the video. I didn't want to do that just yet.

"Um hi, you gonna introduce me?"

"Oh yeah, Y/N's here too. Alright so I'm going to go somewhere else because I'm not needed over here so I'm- OH GOD DAMMIT!"

The screen started going blurry and it was at this point I ripped off my headphones, not wanting anything to do with what was happening on the screen. Mark noticed this out of the corner of his eye, staring at me.

"Put your headphones back on."

"No. You know I hate horror. I'm not wearing my headphones." I looked at the camera. "I was coerced out of bed today by this dumbass with a promise of coffee. He didn't even tell me what game we were playing."

"That's besides the point. You need your headphones on for the full experience!"

I huffed. "I'm not doing it!"

"You gotta!" as if on cue, Mark was startled by a loud noise. "Oh dear God-"

"I refuse to put my headphones on."

I sat back in my seat, giving Mark a challenging look as he continued to play his game, reacting whenever I needed to and trying to help him move along. Somehow, he ended up being closer yet so far to beating the game, and by the end I could tell he was getting annoyed at it. Eventually, we got to the game we were actually playing together, getting that started and pumping out four episodes. We finished filming around 9, and I took the opportunity to take everything back to my room and get set up to film my own video.

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