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One Day until PAX East 2014

I woke up to the buzzing of one of our phones, an alarm slowly filling the room. I could tell it would take a while for the boys to get up, considering that they drank till about one am last night. I had left around ten since I wanted to go to bed, but I woke up when they came in the room later that night. I went through my notifications and smiled when I saw a text from Ethan. I wasn't going to lie, we had kinda started texting last night, since he wanted to apologize again.

[8:45am - ethan] good morning! i hope you slept good :)

I bit my lip, forcing myself not to let out a squeal of happiness as I looked at his notification. I clicked on it, my fingers hovering over my keyboard as I thought of what to say.

[8:46am] i was woken up when my brother came back but other than that, pretty good! hbu?

I slowly crawled out of bed, making sure not to wake up Mark as I slid into the bathroom, going through my morning routine before I pulled on some comfy clothes for today. We were going to hang out with the boys this afternoon, which meant we were probably going to go out to eat tonight. I did my normal makeup, looking down at my phone every few seconds just in case Ethan texted me. I left a note for Mark and Séan saying I was going down for breakfast, slipping on my crocs and walking towards the elevator. My phone buzzed and I looked down, smiling.

[8:52am - ethan ] islept pretty good too. just on my way down for breakfast.

[8:53am] omg i am too! i'm about to get on the elevator actually.

As if on cue, the doors opened and I was met with Ethan.

"That's so funny, we're in the same elevator. What are the chances?"

I chuckled. "50/50, but I'm glad the chances were in our favor. Nice to see you again, Ethan."

"You maybe wanna eat breakfast together?"

"That'd be great."

We made our way out of the elevator and towards the free breakfast area, both of us getting in line for the waffle maker. We kept up a light chit chat as we got our food, finding a nice little seat towards a window.

"So, what brings you to PAX?" I asked, putting a grape in my mouth.

"Well, I went last year and I loved it, so I decided to come again this year." he smiled. "I also finally have the chance to go to the Markiplier and Friends panel, which I missed last year."

"Yeah, I've heard that panel is supposed to be funny."

"I'm excited, I watched a youtube video of the one last year and I can't wait to see the one this year." he put a piece of waffle in his mouth. "What about you?"

"Oh, I finally saved enough money to come and see Sé- Jacksepticeye." I caught myself, making sure to use his online name. "He's one of my favorite youtubers."

"No way, I watch him too!" Ethan smiled. "Do you watch Mark?"

Only all the time. "Not as much as I should, I'm not really into horror games."

"That makes sense. Why you don't watch him, I mean." he quickly corrected himself.

"No, I got what you mean. I'm more into games like Destiny and Halo. I play more of that kinda stuff."

"I haven't played those yet, but I want to."

"It's therapeutic to me, kinda, as weird as that sounds." I shrugged.

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