
183 7 1

January, 2018


I was rudely awoken by a smack to the face with a pillow, and Maddie standing over me.

"What, and I say this with the upmost respect, the fuck is your problem?"

"It's your bachelorette party, dingus. You have to be awake for it!"

"It's seven in the fucking morning."

"Okay, and?"

I groaned dramatically and rolled back over, only to have the covers ripped off of me mere seconds later by Maddie, who had a crazed look in her eye. Flipping her off, I shoved the pillow back over my head and finally heard Emma murmur something about "Maddie shut the fuck up we're not getting mimosas at seven in the goddamn morning", letting me fall back asleep for at least a little bit longer. I woke up- by myself this time- around ten, stretching and sitting up. Maddie was playing with one of her little fidget toys on the second bed while Emma did her makeup, and I saw Amy sprawled out on the air mattress we had brought since our airbnb didn't have enough space for all of us to sleep comfortably.

To be fair, Emma and Maddie made the airbnb reservations so it was their fault Amy had to sleep on the air mattress.

I finally rolled out of bed after scrolling through twitter for about an hour, making my way to the bathroom so I could pee and get ready for the day. Mika and Katherine made their way into the room so we could all get ready together, deciding to go out to brunch at a cute little sea-side café about ten minutes from the place we were staying. They had gotten me the stupid little "bride to be" sash and forced me to wear it, and almost got me to wear one of those fake veil things before I told Emma I would shove her nintendog down the toilet if she got any closer to me with it. The sash was cheesy enough. By the time we got to the little café, about ten fans had noticed it was us and all very politely asked me if they could give me a hug in congratulations- which I gladly accepted- and told me to tell Ethan they would break his face if he hurt me. I definitely had to hold back a chuckle at that, considering what had happened, but the less everyone in the fandom knew about our relationship, the better.

Four mimosas and a beautiful breakfast burrito later, we found ourselves back in the airbnb to just hang out, doing girly shit and stuff like that. I didn't want to get too crazy, considering the fact the wedding was tomorrow, and your homegirl did Not want to be hungover for what supposedly is supposed to be the best day of my life.

Who am I kidding, it's totally going to be the best day of my life.

We spent the rest of the day watching stupid rom-coms we had rented on iTunes and yelled obscenities at the screen when characters did something stupid. There were also plenty of snapchats from all of us that included different angles of Mika and Emma trying to recreate the scene from The Notebook when they're fighting in the rain. It was exactly what I needed. Of course, I wished Ethan was there with us, but I knew Mark had planned something for him and the boys, which meant he was going to be away from his phone all day. And since I wasn't going to see him tonight, I was totally longing for him. In more ways than one. But I mainly just wanted to hold his hand.

Amongst other things.

For dinner we got Olive Garden take out, deciding that we should pretend to be at a fancy restaurant and act all posh and shit and see who could hold up the facade the longest. Mika surprisingly won with a whopping fifteen minutes on the clock. By the time we all started to get tired, we trekked our way upstairs and collapsed into the beds, Maddie and Emma dragging me into their bed so we could all have a sleepover in the same room because "why the fuck not, Y/N, this is our last night of all of us not being married!" which translated to you have no say, get in the goddamn bed.

They all fell asleep pretty fast, except for me. I ended up texting Ethan around 11, mainly because I missed him and wanted to at least text him before I fell asleep.

[10:45pm] hi baby i miss you

[10:46pm - fiancé <3] i miss you too, lovebug. i can't wait to see you tomorrow :)

[10:47pm] what if i just snuck out of this airbnb and came home to snuggle

[10:47pm- fiancé <3] then that would ruin our first look pictures :(

[10:48pm] we're literally going to a courthouse but okay, sure jan

[10:48pm] either way i miss you :( come gimme cuddles

[10:48pm - fiancé <3] i miss you more. get some rest, i'll see you tomorrow <3

[10:49pm] okay fineeeeeeeee goodnight i love you

[10:50pm - fiancé <3] i love you more :)

Before I knew it, my eyes drooped closed and I fell asleep, dreaming of Ethan and everything that was in our future.


Today was the day.

Ethan and I had slept in separate rooms for the first time in years, but it was okay because I was with Mika, Amy, Katherine, Emma and Maddie.

January 25th, 2018. The day that Ethan and I decided to just say fuck it and do a small courthouse wedding. Neither of us wanted something elegant, but we would be doing a photoshoot and a video on it. I was woken up around ten by Maddie and Emma bouncing on the bed chanting something about me getting married today or whatever. They dragged me into the bathroom and started getting me ready, and by that I mean everyone sat with me in the bathroom as we all did our makeup and listening to whatever playlist Mika put together. I had chosen a simple white skater dress and some flats, deciding to put my hair half up with a couple pieces out to frame my face. Nothing too crazy, honestly. It was just going to be a small little ceremony so I didn't need the big flashy hair or whatever. We agreed to meet at the courthouse around one, so we all piled into my car and made our way down.

Ethan and I were the last two people to get out of our respective cars, with Mark and Séan filming us seeing each other for the first time in over 24 hours. I had to wipe tears off my cheeks as we walked towards each other, meeting in the middle and grabbing each other's hands. About ten minutes later we were standing in front of a clerk, staring lovingly at the people who came to celebrate with us. The ceremony flew by and before I knew it, it was time for us to say our vows. Ethan went first, choking up about three words into his whole little speech. I wiped the tears off his face, smiling proudly as he read from the notecard because he and I both knew he wouldn't be able to remember anything about what he wanted to say if he didn't write it down. My vows went the same way, me pulling out a folded piece of paper from my boob and chuckling as it got stuck causing Mika to run up and help me get it unstuck. Finally, the words "you may kiss" were uttered and before the sentence was even finished, Ethan and I were kissing.

Our first kiss as husband and wife.

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